My opeth-sounding songs


Apr 20, 2002
Danville, CA
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Hey guys i posted this thread for comments on what you think of my opeth-sounding songs...i made these MIDI files with a great great program called TabIt and im very sorry that they are midi's instead of a real songs...hopefully its interesting enough with guitar, bass, and drums that you don't need vocals...again im sorry for having to post these in MIDI's but I really want to know what you guys think...if the MIDI sounds bad then you can change your default midi settings to make it sound better...Also some of these songs have a different style than opeth just because i wanted to mix it up a bit...please give comments of what you think about them!
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Reactions: ginkgothian
Some interesting stuff there. Some unneeded repition in some of these that doesn't sound great. It would be really nice if you could convert these from MP3 so that we can hear what you were really trying to create without having to change MIDI settings. If you would need hosting for some of those you can contact me.