My Opeth tribute song in the form of one of their songs...

Once again I've cried
Seeing you moon
That burning flame
That ass flashed me
Through all these years

The milkshake bum which you blow

With ass of fire
Once unlit but now alive
Its energy, sparkling
Like a moaning star

The moaning star

Farting the fires of
The rotten mold
I've squirted my eye
I laugh under your squealing moon

I am the worker eating french fries
Nor the nimrods throw my remark
Listen to mark their presents,
Set that enema ablaze

Burn the cindered pockmarks
That said I was bare,
Burn the carrot of mold
That ravel through my bowl
I'd give up boredom gladly but once again, my sincerest apologies. Just thinking of what Weird Al would do to an Opeth song...
So, you're bored? Out of all the things the great world wide web has to offer, you chose to start shitty threads? Of all the animal fetish sites, cats-who-look-like-hitler sites, and basically all the wonderful things you can find online, this is how you want your boredom to pass?!
You have not seen me mad.

When I do get mad, you computer screen will burst into flames and your hard drive will melt, and 5 seconds later your eyeballs implode while your brain explodes.

Fortunately, you have not seen me mad.
You have not seen me mad.

When I do get mad, you computer screen will burst into flames and your hard drive will melt, and 5 seconds later your eyeball implode while your brain explodes.

Fortunately, you have not seen me mad.
