My own custom amp is finally completed!! No more SolidState/SoftwareSim crap for me


Nov 19, 2005
Since I started playing and recording I've always had to record small solid-state combos or use software sims. I'm happy to say these days are over, as I've just received my handbuilt and custom-designed tube amp. I think it looks great, and what's more important, it sounds great! And I've only had the chance to record direct and use impulses, because I'm still waiting for my first cab
(Framus 4x12 v30s).

The amp has an integrated TS boost that you can bypass, and 2 channels:
Clean (can also be switched to crunch) and Lead (which has a modern and a vintage version), both channels have a 'bright' switch. With the footswitch you can switch between the two channels, and turn on/off the fx loop and the TS boost.
Power tubes are electro-harmonix 6l6EH, I don't know about the preamp ones.

Here are some quick samples I made using the amp and Guitarhack's impulses:
Modern - 2 tracks

Vintage - 2 tracks

Modern+Vintage - 4 tracks

rough mix of the above + drums

And here are the photos:





Thanks guys! :headbang:

I still have all of my body parts:heh: It was expensive (for me, anyway) but the price/quality ratio is just unbelievably good!
Yeah but they are well worth it :) After all its an amp designed for you! hehe, where do you guys go to get such lovely custom amps guitars :p IO guess you dont have to be well known to get a singature amp/guitar just have the money! :)
It's definity worth giving more money for having to make less compromises.

Yeah, you don't have to be well-known in order to have a custom amp (though it helps ;) ) and I think that it's more down to knowing people who build this kind of things.

Damn, I love those blue and yellow lights for the power and standby :loco:
Thanks LSD, I'd be glad to read your opinion, though the guitars in the clips have no processing other than a little C4...and yeah, only with impulses for now.

KeithRT99, yes I thought the same thing after recording the tracks, but I haven't yet explored all of the amp's potential. The modern channel has lots of bass even when the knob is close to zero. As for the price, the person who made this amp for me asked me not to mention it, because the price largely depends on what exactly the customer wants and even the appereance can make a lot of difference. I guess if someone wants more specific info they can PM me and I could talk with the guy :)
The vintage is much more modern than the modern by the way ;)
Good amp, wish you everything best with it, Bobzy!
kind of funny you went from small ss combos to a custom made tube amp! most people have a step in between there. wait a minute...most people don't get custom made tube amps because there's usually something close out there to the tone they're looking for.

it looks killer though, and the TS circuit is a freakin' cool idea!

don't mind me, I'm just jealous, so congrats!
ReliXKeepeR, thanks. The channels are pretty similar, the main difference being the amount of lows/mids/highs... the voicing actually and the amount of gain - in vintage mode it's more than enough and in modern it's even more o_O

-J-, when I began playing and recording I wasn't absolutely sure I won't quit doing so, hence buying a Behringer combo (clone of a Tech21 tm30) made sense. After going through other cheap pieces of equipment (or shit, rather :p) and realizing playing and recording is pretty much what I want to dedicate myself to, it was obvious that I should save more money rather than waste it for cheap replacements.
I waited long for that amp, as the person had a lot of other amps to make before mine, but it was worth every month.

Glad you liked it, and I hope you'll have the chance to have your own custom amp :headbang:
looks amazing!!
maybe we should commision a batch of sneap forum custom amps with these sort of ideas.
i.e built in ts 808 and built in noise gate. with option to assign it to channels
switchable el34 and 6l6 bias like on dual rectumfriers.

clean, crunch and lead , with crunch and lead being switchable between 5150 and dual rec mode, or something like that,

who could we get to make it?
greyskull, I think the guy who made my amp can make one with all of
the things you mentioned. Unfortunately, ordering an amp from so far away is not simple - shipping is expensive and if you need him to make modifications it has to be shipped at least 2 more times. I could talk to him but I'm sceptical about it.

Noumenon, I guess you could achieve this by including some device (i.e. volume pedal) in the fx loop. Anyway, I'll pretty much use it only for studio purposes, so I don't need master A/B

Fuentealba, glad you like it, too.
