some loser
I dont think it should be censored. I think people should just stop using the word all together whether ur black or white.
Vyan said:Censorship is an attempt to control what a person thinks, and as such always fails. The word itself doesn't matter as much as the sentiment and meaning that is applied to it. As "my pals" it has been used as a symbol of hate, but as "Nigga" or "My Nigga" it has also be used *ironically* to mock that hate and become a symbol of friendship and brotherhood.
You can't fight how someone feels if they feel negatively toward someone, that that's their opinon and they may indeed be entitled to it. But when you disallow people to use certain words -- you simply prompt them to use a different word to express what they mean - ("Mud Duck", "Jungle Bunny", "Welfare Baby"...etc) Changing the words doesn't change how people feel or what they mean.
If you want to change peoples minds, then you have to engage them in conversation and that means freely and openly use the whatever words are neccesary to convey your meaning.
If saying "my pals" despite knowing its connotation is ignorance, then what is being a misanthrope? I know you're officially kidding, but that's still inconsistence.demon ethereal said:I hope the world ends and humanity drives itself to extinction ^_^
GreatPhoenix said:I know this is an old thread but I'll respond anyway... even though I tried that once and the forum went down and I lost all of what I wrote.
If saying "my pals" despite knowing its connotation is ignorance, then what is being a misanthrope? I know you're officially kidding, but that's still inconsistence.
Words are inert, okay. They're dead. My philosophy is that words are a hollow shell, and they can be filled with hate, if you want, but they aren't always... even if the words themselves are hateful, it still only carries as much weight as the speaker wishes it to.
Just for clarity, I'm mulatto. That means my mother is white and my father is a negro (I don't say African American because non of my black living relatives have ever even been to Africa). I don't take offense to any kind of racial remark, unless I'm convinced the person saying it is really ignorant enough to mean what he or she is saying.
Okay, here's an example for you. I say the word "my pals" and the sound I produce with my mouth floats through the air, hits your ear, goes through this Byzantine conduit into your brain and activates all your memories of hate, racism and intolerance. That's what happens, but what should happen is that your audio perception should confluence with your visual perception, taking note of my kinesics and understanding that the word holds no ammo and is therefore utterly harmless. Not that any word can truly be harmful, in the first place.
Let's go back some undeterminable length into history, okay? Back when language was created. Why did we create it? Because man had to overcome his isolation for surivival. "Water," we created a sound for that. Or "There's a sabre-tooth tiger right behind you!" We made a sound for that. But then we made words for the intangible: like love, or hate, or beauty. It all got complicated from there on, and way down the line we forgot what communication quintessentially means. At the root of it all, spoken words are only a way to convey thoughts and experiences... and none of it should ever be censored or forgotten. That would be ridiculous. Censorship is Facism.
Tye said:would you like to be called a Stupid Fat American? No? Then you should see why derogatory remarks should not be used no matter how 'innocent' your intentions are.
Haha, not exactly hatred, just get bugged by some particular types of people!Seraphim Belial said:a mexican that hates blacks . . . how very rare! :Smug:
It's just a wordFauxPerspicacity said:Should the word be censored. Either way I don't think it should be designated to a single races' use. Why should blacks being able to call eachother my pals? I mean it's not like you hear jews calling other jews kikes.
alexhays said:lol freedom of speech. Freedom of speech doesnt only mean you can say my pals.
It means a lot lot lot more than that.
I dont think people should expose there children to such things.
I would never use the word myself except in jokes, and its not like without freedom of speech we wouldnt use the word. freedom of speech isnt about using cuss words and stuff. Most countries dont have Freedon of speech and omg guess what, people use such slang there as well.
Your a complete fucking dumass peice of worthless god damn shit
they where only words they dont technicaly mean anything so its ok dont worry
and what the hell are you talking about? How would we truly express ourselves if it were not for words? through body language? your post makes no sense at all. Human being so use speech to express ourselves. We use words. Language. Panda's.
im now going to use a smiley![]()
DE said:Freedom of Speech was referred to in this case as not having censorship - the Government should have no choice in what we can and cannot say. What happens if one day they decide to ban "my pals", and then the next decide to ban anyone from speaking out against the government? It's a slippery slope.
GreatPhoenix said:Exactly...
...but they should ban unfunny idiots who repeatedly say "at least I'm not black" and think they're witty.
GreatPhoenix said:Exactly...
...but they should ban unfunny idiots who repeatedly say "at least I'm not black" and think they're witty.
DE said:"At least I'm not black" has never been unfunny and never will be.
Gronke said:DE said:"At least I'm not black" has never been unfunny and never will be.
I can see why some individuals laugh with the above statement, though this tells quite a lot of the people laughing...
DE said:That they're witty, and know a funny thing when they see one?