My petition for changes to the forum

To quote Shadow Walker:

Out of all the suggestions in the bitching thread, I thought this one was the best, so I just wanted to put it in its own thread and hopefully get some approval/support so it can happen!

I dunno if I agree with dividing mix and song. More often than not they go hand in hand.

A subforum that I think would be useful though would be a "Jobs" type of forum. Then everyone who wants to us to mix/master/edit/reamp/program drums/do guest vocals/guitars etc can just post there. Almost like a classifieds section.
What sayeth ye?
I honestly don't think the 'Rate my mix' section needs to be divided. It's specific enough to contain few enough posts for everyone to wade through and find what they want. Remember, the idea is to make the forum as efficient as possible using the LEAST amount of sub-forums as possible.

I would STRONGLY push for separate 'Hobbyist' and 'Pro-Audio' forums in place of the 'Sabbat' and 'Production Tips' forums (production tips should be the general forum anyway). Now the idea here isn't to 100% segregate the community into two camps, but rather to categorize different thread types and knowledge in two distinctly different places. It doesn't mean that Lasse won't ever go into the Hobbyist forum to offer help (well maybe it does, I can't speak for him) or that none of the hobbyist guys are welcome in Pro-Audio to read and learn. It's just an avenue to clean up the board into easier to access, more useful information for everyone.

I think we could FURTHER sub-divide these two into their own respective 'Rate my mix' sections (and ditch the 'main' rate my mix section), if you guys would like. The Hobbyist one would generally contain more impulse/MIDI kit type stuff by nature and the Pro Audio would involve more professionally recorded stuff by nature.

I think the best way to keep what everyone wants from this forum and remain true and concise is to divide it up into threads that deal with audio of a professional nature and those that don't. Information access time would be greatly increased for everyone. And I stress again these sections would NOT be exclusive. Simply a way to categorize information more succinctly. A mod would of course be needed to throw threads from one to the other if they were mis-created by confused users. Lasse would be a great choice for this. I've had my time modding and I'd rather shit glass than do it again.
I think we could FURTHER sub-divide these two into their own respective 'Rate my mix' sections (and ditch the 'main' rate my mix section), if you guys would like. The Hobbyist one would generally contain more impulse/MIDI kit type stuff by nature and the Pro Audio would involve more professionally recorded stuff by nature.


And I stress again these sections would NOT be exclusive. Simply a way to categorize information more succinctly.

I had something similar in mind so another "+1" from me
If it ain't broke..... Despite some obvious growing issues, is it really in "need" of changing or is this just a bit knee jerk reaction to forum growth.
Hey, I'm happy personally, I just want other people to be also, and after that massive bitch-fest, I figured I'd try something a little more constructive :D But yeah, I'm totally cool with it now!
i don't really see the point of dividing modeled vs "real" or bedroom vs band besides social discrimination really. Besides, sometimes the line gets blurred, for instance my latest mix had real mic'd guitar cabs but the drums were progammed, where does that go?

Ermz's approach seems a bit more reasonable to me, dude you're an engineer right? *not meaning AE, something like an Industrial Engineer or something

I would like to suggest something the forum could use well, a separate subforum about live sound, FOH, Monitor engineering and such. Harmony Central has one of those and it's pretty active and cool, although the people here are much cooler so I think it would be nice, and it's a totally different art than recording so it could use it's separate subforum
My opinion is that more mods are needed to filter out the trolls. The n00bs arent that bad, cause they are sincere and innocent. but obvious trolling like andeyp or whatever is just kinda annoying. I cant believe people keep feeding him...

as for the sub forums.... I wouldnt care If there weren any. yes it makes it easier to find stuff... but too many can make it a bit too complicated.

also, I think after the rant threads, the forum seems to have a bit more content as of late
Well SOMETHING needs to happen. I helped usher this forum in years ago and now nobody from then even fucking posts anymore because its gotten flooded with lame bullshit.

Ill mod it myself if it needs it... but some shit definitely needs to get squashed around here
Subscription to each would be $10 a year or $40 for the bundle pack. (which includes signed 8x10 photo of Andy and 1 moderator of your choice)!


One forum which probably will need a hard moderation in the future is the Gear Trading. This kind of second hand forums ends having new users that register only to sell their gear, and then comes the unpayments, gear broken, and many other problems. I'm in a well known spanish guitar forum and there are many nazi fucking rules in the trading subforum, otherwise it would be out of control andbe a nest of swindlers.
Yeah, speaking of the gear forum.... Some places have like a 100 post requirement before you can sell anything in order to keep scammers out, as well as those who sign up just to try and sell something. Might not be a bad idea to implement something like that here.