My place sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes , that's for sure, I Knew they were folk-black, a guy at school told me that this mornig. And , talking bout black metal in general , I cannot really understand this unjustified blasphemy. Anyway it's just my opinion and for what concern Finntroll, well, they sing in finnish and i cannot understand a shit hehehe =)
well, I have to correct you there. They sing in swedish NOT finnish. Not that you would understand either language :grin:

and I don't like black metal in general either, just the folk-black style, like Finntroll, Thyrfing, Naglfar, Moonsorrow etc.
Bands like Marduk or Immortal makes me puke :Puke:
rnHatred said:
Here in Quebec, we have every band we want !!! yihaaa
Almost all the metal band try to come in Montreal, and also in Rouyn-Noranda (my city.. the quebec metal capital)


T'exagere peut-etre un peu la... J'en connais pas bcp de bands europeens qui sont venus a Mtl...
hahhaha, I usually listen to it on discman while taking out the takes me great effort not to start headbanging right there on the street :p but even like this I do interesting things sometomes, like making angry faces and stuff hahahahha :lol:
hahhahha, but you at least dared to show it to others... I only showed mine to my gf :p she was stunned hahhahha, but she said it was cool and I look like a guy :zombie: :lol:
the corpse paint in the party wasn't the worse.
The worst was me wearing a pair of flavio's pants, which are about 4 sizes smaller than the usual size i use, the spikes and the Cradle Of Filth T-shirt! :lol:

besides me running after a friend of mine with this devil mask, in the middle of the street :lol: