crowds at shows = USA sucks

The Bathroom Wall/Forum on the Thirsty Whale website is an entertaining read, with plenty of trolls abound and a few people that try to actively promote local metal shows.

You have no clue how many people I've met through that forum. It's pretty much a joke though.
It was a cool little club.
The important thing was it was a definitive place to go if you wanted to see a hard rock / metal show, almost 7 nights a week.

As I said before, I only went a handful of times, because it was primarily geared towards the local glam bands (and I dated a girl for a long time during this era who was into this scene). I did see DRI and Pro-Pain there once. That was a hoot!
An interview with Kelly from Atheist on Living For Metal illustrates this point. One of the points from it is that people in Europe don't mind traveling to shows in even other countries, as opposed to people here who sometimes don't even travel the short distances to the nearest show that a band will play.

My brother and I are flying in from Colorado for all 3 days. :rock:
After watching lots of videos of live shows from across the globe. I have to say. The crowds at shows in the US sucks. Every where else people are really into it and seem like they are enjoying the show. Then you come over here and people just stand there looking bored half the time. There are very few shows that I have seen in the past 5 years where people have gone apeshit or even shown enthusiasm at the show.

has anyone else noticed this?

I've noticed too. It's pretty pathetic.

I think it's a lot of inhibition and a good amount of pure American laziness that's infeceted the metal masses.

It makes me sad to go to shows, where they fully warrant a big ol' circle pit,or something, and all they get is a few headbangers and maybe a 4-5 people dancing half a song. It's like pulling teeth just to get people to go to shows at all, sometimes....even when it's a band they claim to "love", and they're in their own city.
I go to Europoean metal festivals every summer, and the attitude is completely different and refreshing, compared to anything I've seen around here in the past decade. They love the music and aren't afraid to show it!

Maybe it's just me refusing to act my age, but I've been finding people around my scene getting more lame (unwilling to move their ass away from the nerd-box, or do anything even remotely wild or exciting) at an alarming rate. It kinda worries me.
We aren't as bad as Canadians. I hear they mostly just stand there. Most shows I go to at least some of the crowd seems into it. But I rarely headbang or sing along. I often stand there mesmerized by a good show.
Crowd reaction is a LOT different today than it was in the 80's.

Anyone who was ever at an Aragon show, for example, back in the day can attest to this.

The bathroom of the Aragon looked like the cover of MOB RULES after a thrash show.

Today, you can go business casual to a gig and walk out without a wrinkle.

Being older, I have no complaints with the laid back atmosphere of gigs, though on the flipside when there is NO reaction, it hurts the vibe of the gig.
Yeah growing up I always heard it as Aragon Brawlroom.

Yep, they still laid down chairs which would end up (literally) flying in the air the second the headliner would take the stage.

There would probably be at minimum 4 huge pits going at any given time.

SLAYER on the South of Heaven tour was easily the most violent show I ever attended in my life.
(Aside from one punk show in Champaign IL one summer which was predominantly attended by the local nazi factor.. lots of broken glass, LOTS of blood!)