My review of the Philly gig

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey

Acid Words
Bittersweet Feast
Never Purify
This Godless Endeavor
Final Product
Enemies of Reality

miss anything> i dont think i did.

Warrel commented on how awesome my costume was :lol: after the gig, we went lookin around for him, but couldnt find him. Instead, we ran into Van, Steve, and Jeff. I bought each of them a round of whatever they were drinking at the time. Jeff disappeared, so I took his shot of Jaeger. ran into him on the way out and gave him $3 for whatever he wanted. i'd say that this was probably the best gig i've been to. t'was mahvelous!

Thanks, Warrel for putting yourself at risk with everyone in the audience and coming out and saying hi! You rule. Shame I couldn't find you after the show. There's always next time, though! Christina's glad that she finally got to meet you! No pics, as I forgot about it. Had a great time.
They also did "River Dragon". I'd prefer they lose "Never Purify" in favor of anything off "Dreaming" or one of the stronger tracks off "Dead heart" or "Politics".

Overall, a good performance, though not their best. The band was tight, but Warrell's cold had his energy level noticably low. As Will said, you have to hand it to the guy for putting it out there when he's clearly run down.

The crowd was very into them. Clearly this tour won't gain them any new fans, as anyone whose into Opeth is well aware of who Nevermore is.

the only pic i took last night

oh yeah, and we went from my house to the speedline (20 min drive), bought a 2-way ticket, then i realized i forgot the tickets, so we had to throw them out and get the tickets from my house, then get more speedline tickets. got there right when IE started their set. found an opening on the left side of the stage and stood there the rest of the show

btw, Jeff handed me a pick he was using
I loved it. I was standing in the back and it blew me away. I got some good pics of both NM and Opeth (hopefully they come out right)