my satan's day haul!!

GroundXero3k said:
I got....
Some Clothes,
an electric razor,
a cd holder,
a hat,
and around 160 dollars cash.

I'm probably going to buy cd's with my money. I have been eying "Damage Done" by Dark Tranqulity and "Train Of Thought" by Dream Theater for some time.
stop eyeing "damage done" and go get it! be prepared to get your head blown off!
Damn... I need more candles. Now that I've overcome my fear of lighting my hand on fire, I'm free to light my candles whenever I want to. And I think I've about killed this white candle that I have. I love scented candles...
Hardy har har yesterday was a good day for me

-Agalloch-Pale Folklore, The mantle
-Jeff Buckley-Grace
-Dream Theater-Awake, Train of Thought
-Katatonia-Tonight's Decision
-Stevie Ray Vaughan-In Step
-Highlander DVD
-300 watt stereo
-Tascam cd-gt1
-Various clothes/personal items
-Jim Beam sauces.....YES
-The undying love of my family.....bleh
Oooh, a NicoDildo, an autographed photo of neal, and some appley candles! Everything a girl needs to welcome in her 21st. Sonnen Apfel...which I'm taking is some form of alcohol? If so, I'm allergic to alcohol. :erk: Yeah unfortunately, I get achey and turn reddish/purple and stiff all over. Like a penis.
OfficerNice said:
It's German Apple Schnapps. It's the best!
Oh, last night you said penis was too technical, so you get achey and
turn reddish/purple and stiff all over like a 'thingy'?

I'm sorry you can't drink German Apple Schnapps.:erk: I've never found someone
who didn't love it.

Yes. Like a thingy. Touched for the very first time. I was just trying to please you with the "penis", Officer. :cry:
Reverand Joint Smoker said:
That is one goddam long state, throw a brick on the gas and crawl in the back and sleep. Have'nt planned my route through there yet, but a guy who does some machining for me wants me to visit. Guy is a nutcase, hilarious. He's somewhere in the Ft Wayne area, I usually take I-20 thru Texas,if that's anywhere near you let me know. Were supposed to go and run Lake Texoma for a couple days, never been to Carlsbad Caverns either, that's over New Mexico way tho. Keep an eye out for any cool shows, places to grub, cool bars or anything like that. I'm always up for something.:)
I-20 isn't too far I don't think...I've never driven east-west through the state, only north-south driving to Texhoma, Austin, and Mexico a few times. The only upcoming concert I know of is Opeth and I'm going to the Dallas, Austin, and Houston shows. :headbang:
OfficerNice said:
I'm sorry. Please Don't Cry. I was just trying to tease you some....

You have such a way with words BWN, um, I was pleased that you
used the word.

Vagina pleases me too. :D :hotjump: ;)

Vagina? Is that the same as an "innie"? :tickled:

You know something really embarrassing is when you've been getting "unavailable" calls all day on your caller ID that are just hang ups and then you get another one and pick it up and go "WHAT?!@?!?!?!?" and then a little frightened voice says "Hi this is Barbara may I speak with Samantha?". And then you are too ashamed to talk so - *click* I don't know a Barbara, and the phone is still off the hook. :oops:

Yes I'm random.
OfficerNice said:
Or what's even more embarrassing is that I meant to talk every time
I called, I just was shy and didn't have the courage.

Oh no no no, this happens about 5-10 times a day, every single day. Its not a person, its some machine thingy. I pick up and there's a click and a hum and then it disconnects. It wakes me up and pisses me off, that's what the WHAT?!?#!@?@#?@ was for. :cool:

Thank you Cara. :dopey: *dials* "Is your refridgerator running?"
BlackwaterNymph said:
I-20 isn't too far I don't think...I've never driven east-west through the state, only north-south driving to Texhoma, Austin, and Mexico a few times. The only upcoming concert I know of is Opeth and I'm going to the Dallas, Austin, and Houston shows. :headbang:
When are those?, I'll be rolling thru somewhere between the 12th and 14th of February,I think, probably staying for a week or so.. I'll be pretty sick of driving by then I'm sure. Lousiana roads suck.
Reverand Joint Smoker said:
When are those?, I'll be rolling thru somewhere between the 12th and 14th of February,I think, probably staying for a week or so.. I'll be pretty sick of driving by then I'm sure. Lousiana roads suck.
Feb 4th, 5th, and 6th I think. Before you'd be in the area...good to know you'll be around for Valentines Day :tickled: . I haven't driven through LA, but I plan on going to New Orleans next year sometime, I have a plane ticket credit on SouthWest to use up.