Hey, does the shirt really help? My chick has a new dog we rescued from the shelter and she has some skin irritation. They were giving her medicine for it but they stopped that a couple of days before we adopted her. They said to just use puppy shampoo or anything with moisturizer in it and we have, but so far she's still really itchy. She even made an open wound on her elbow from scratching so much. So we make sure she is next to either of us at all times so we can stop her from itching. Is this the reason you put a shirt on your canine? If it helps I'll definitely find an old shirt ASAP.
Thanks dude! The dog we adopted really rocks, never need to have her on a leash and she never barks or anything. Really awesome dog. Kinda makes me wish my two black labs weren't so damn hyper all the time! Still luv 'em though.
And Felix, 13, damn! He's lived a good long life, and here's to years more with him!
Believe it or not, those huge Great Danes are considered to be some of the best dogs in an apartment situation. They have this thing that they think they are not huge and will try and be in your lap n shiz. Of course they need to get exercise like any other animal, but that is information directly from a vet.
Haha that is so true man. I used to have a HUGE great dane who passed away about a month ago and he would always try to lay down in little chairs and stuff. It was hilarious to watch. He was like a small horse.