- Feb 20, 2005
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- 36
Hahahahha, adorable dude - how's her temperament? Rufus was a rebellious, rambunctious little bastard when he was a puppy, but as he grew he mellowed out to be the biggest pushover couch potato 

She's getting better, when I posted a pic of her before she was being a right little bitch, but she's a lot better now. Still pissing and shitting everywhere, but her temperament is getting there, still trying to bite us every now and again, but I seem to like her more and more every day lol.
Here is my daughter....shes 10 and I couldn't think of a better dog(for me of course)......She has cancer and Glaucoma, but is expected to live out her full life with no complications.
Got a newer and better pic of my pup now, so I thought I'd resurrect this thread with this.
Heres my newest edition. I lost my little girl pictured above about a week ago as her cancer just kind of progressed really really fast out of nowhere. And its been hell I wont even lie. Here I am in a metal band and can hardly hold myself together. Either or here is our newest edition to the family..........Ms. Toughsy
This is Vader. (yes, I'm a Star Wars geek!) Terrorizer of birds, rabbits, squirrels, badgers, Irish Wolf hounds, and cougars! (no bullshit.... the little hellion actually corned a cougar once!) He was 25 pounds & thought he was 10 times that size! Jack Russell bred the ultimate killing machine and girls think they're 'cute.'
Vader was my first dog, and unfortunately contracted lymphoma last spring & died at the age of 7. (Jacks usually live to 14-15) My wife & I don't have children, so this was pretty rough. I cried like a 10 year old. I'll miss the little guy.
Condolences to everyone posting earlier who lost a pet. It sucks.
Well she's a german shepherd, but they call em king, the ones with longer hair. I don't think she has a really golden retriever face but I get what you mean, her "nosebone" (dunno how it's called) is not as long as most german shepherds and she looks happier, which might give her that look.