My slayin´warmachine!!!

Hahahahha, adorable dude - how's her temperament? Rufus was a rebellious, rambunctious little bastard when he was a puppy, but as he grew he mellowed out to be the biggest pushover couch potato :lol:
She's getting better, when I posted a pic of her before she was being a right little bitch, but she's a lot better now. Still pissing and shitting everywhere, but her temperament is getting there, still trying to bite us every now and again, but I seem to like her more and more every day lol.
She's getting better, when I posted a pic of her before she was being a right little bitch, but she's a lot better now. Still pissing and shitting everywhere, but her temperament is getting there, still trying to bite us every now and again, but I seem to like her more and more every day lol.

Just bite her back. That's what I did with my dogs . I ESTABLISHED MYSELF AS THE ALPHA MALE. hahaha.
Hahaha, you're the pack LEEder :lol:

Here is my daughter....shes 10 and I couldn't think of a better dog(for me of course)......She has cancer and Glaucoma, but is expected to live out her full life with no complications.

Hahahahahah, Kyle, that pose is absolutely priceless, and she looks adorable - I'm glad she's doing well despite having the medical cards stacked against her! What's her name?
Her name is Saydee. My Fiance' and I rescued her when she was two from an abusive home. She does have the cards stacked up against her, but is very full of life and seems incredibly happy. She hasn't ever even been sick from her cancer. I forgot one other thing and the only health issue that she has problems with. She's epileptic, but she may have a seizure once every two or three months, so its not very often. All in all she's pretty rad, despite the fact that she is taking up all the room on my couch right now.

Heres my newest edition. I lost my little girl pictured above about a week ago as her cancer just kind of progressed really really fast out of nowhere. And its been hell I wont even lie. Here I am in a metal band and can hardly hold myself together. Either or here is our newest edition to the family..........Ms. Toughsy
Heres my newest edition. I lost my little girl pictured above about a week ago as her cancer just kind of progressed really really fast out of nowhere. And its been hell I wont even lie. Here I am in a metal band and can hardly hold myself together. Either or here is our newest edition to the family..........Ms. Toughsy

Damn man I'm really sorry to hear that.

Welcome to Ms. Toughsy though. :)
Dude, dogs will always be my #1 fav because of the companionship/loyalty factor, but I don't think there's any creature in the world more offensively adorable than a bunny :lol: (though I have to admit, I think Necromancer197666's avatar just edges out Bobby in terms of cuteness, though a full pic might change my mind :D)
Bobby is recovering but blind from one eye now though. He's not at his uber-cuteness level. He used to be as cute, but hey, he's 9 years old. Pretty old for a bawnee like him, and he's getting better and better.

edit : yeah, Necro's avatar is cuter, of course. But is he a fighter? Bobby is a hell of a fighter.

How d'you find my girl? :D
Ah right, of course - adorable dude, definitely an unexpected look (golden retriever face, German Shepherd ears/color), but big dogs = awesome dogs IMO! :rock: And yeah, I don't doubt Bobby is king of the rabbit hill :D
Well she's a german shepherd, but they call em king, the ones with longer hair. I don't think she has a really golden retriever face but I get what you mean, her "nosebone" (dunno how it's called) is not as long as most german shepherds and she looks happier, which might give her that look.

This is Vader. (yes, I'm a Star Wars geek!) Terrorizer of birds, rabbits, squirrels, badgers, Irish Wolf hounds, and cougars! (no bullshit.... the little hellion actually corned a cougar once!) He was 25 pounds & thought he was 10 times that size! Jack Russell bred the ultimate killing machine and girls think they're 'cute.'

Vader was my first dog, and unfortunately contracted lymphoma last spring & died at the age of 7. (Jacks usually live to 14-15) My wife & I don't have children, so this was pretty rough. I cried like a 10 year old. I'll miss the little guy.:waah:

Condolences to everyone posting earlier who lost a pet. It sucks.

Ah that's a sad story man. Jack Russel's, haha, they think they can conquer everything. Our neighbour has 7 rottweilers, when they come out to the garden our jack russel (Tony....yes Soprano :-) )...just walks up to the fence, stands there and starts barking like "I'm gonna fuck you guys up, bitches!".. It's just so fun to see, a little man think he can conquer everything..haha
Well she's a german shepherd, but they call em king, the ones with longer hair. I don't think she has a really golden retriever face but I get what you mean, her "nosebone" (dunno how it's called) is not as long as most german shepherds and she looks happier, which might give her that look.

Yeah, I think it's the shorter snout (as it's called) and also the semi-droopy licks that bring the Rufus associations :D What a beautiful coat though!