I have also posted this in the Rate My Mix thread, if this isn't allowed, could a mod please delete this then
But I think more people will notice this here 
Hey d00dz
I have been working on a sort of metal/rock/hard rock song recently, and it needs some vocals!
Here a rough mix by me of the song is -
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3163522/Inha... Mix 6.mp3
I haven't written any lyrics yet, you can if you want
I think that through the verses clean (Phil Anselmo style maybe?) singing would sound best, and when the choruses come, a bit more growling/bellowing/roaring could sound good
But hey, go crazy!
Anyway, this thread is more of an audition thread to find who would be best for the singing, and once the right person has been found, we can contact each other through PM's or MSN
Please post here if you are a vocalist! But you need to be able to record with decent quality if you want to do the vocals

Hey d00dz

I have been working on a sort of metal/rock/hard rock song recently, and it needs some vocals!
Here a rough mix by me of the song is -
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3163522/Inha... Mix 6.mp3
I haven't written any lyrics yet, you can if you want

I think that through the verses clean (Phil Anselmo style maybe?) singing would sound best, and when the choruses come, a bit more growling/bellowing/roaring could sound good

But hey, go crazy!

Anyway, this thread is more of an audition thread to find who would be best for the singing, and once the right person has been found, we can contact each other through PM's or MSN
Please post here if you are a vocalist! But you need to be able to record with decent quality if you want to do the vocals