My thoughts about Frankie and Anthrax


New Metal Member
Feb 15, 2004
I am a long time Anthrax fan. I have been since the 80's when I saved up my baby sitting money to go and buy their big ol Vinyl albums. I followed the band when they played in Australia and my friends and I ran away from home and camped outside the hotel in hope of a glimpse of our hero's. We travelled across the ocean to Los Angeles and watched them play with iron Maiden. It was a great time in my life and one I treasure.

I used to write the band over 10 letters a week, I don't know why I did that but as a young teenage girl I guess that was my way of feeling connected to the band I loved so much.

I supported them through bad record deals, the seperation of Joey Belladonna and Dan. I welcomed our new Anthrax buddies as I loved Armoured Saint so I looked forward to a new sound. And damn did they deliver. I waited patiently over the year's for the band to finally crack the mass market that the trulel deserved and I waited for them to return to my Australian shores.

This is devastating news for me, as I am sure it is for you all, however it has brought me to tears a few times over the last 24 hours. I adore Frank Bello and it saddens me that I finally have my Anthrax tickets in my hand and I am not going to see Frankie run out and go crazy. I won't get to see him sing, and I won't get to see the Anthrax I have waited to see since the new formation begun all those years back now.

But, In my heart I am a true fan and I will continue to support Anthrax, If I stopped being a fan then you might as well say I "never was one". I wish Frank would come back and I will pray that he will, but ultimatley I need to stay firm in the belief that as long as that banner reads "Anthrax" above Charlie's head I will be there in the crowd supporting a band that's music has supported me throughout my life.

I am an Anthrax fan and I am proud...... :worship:
It's a sad day, but the band goes on. Hopefully we will get a statement from Frank. Reading Chatlie's post it does in some respects look like he was fired, hopefully it will remain as amicable as possible with the door left open for a return.
I agree I hope he comes back after a short break, but if not I wish the band and Frankie the best for the future and I will support whatever they all chose to do!!
Right on. I hate to say it, but Anthrax won't be the same without Frank running around the stage, getting the crowd going nuts.

But we all need to move on. Keep supporting Anthrax. Do a lot of street teamin'...
Riehlthing said:
If there ever was a time to support Anthrax, it'd be now.
EXACTLY! God bless you, Riehlthing!:worship:

That picture is me using an automatic back massager on Frank's shoulder.
Thrymfal said:
and should thi split with frankie be permanent, let's hope for the return of lilker
Don't know about that happening.
I myself, as far as getting crowd going, Ellefson of Megadeth does get crowd going. So did Newsted. But Frank is still probably my favorite at that. Either way, Support Anthrax and Frank.
Maybe Geddy Lee could step on some shows. :D He's nu-metal, have you heard him sing on In the End By Linkin park in his 80s Rush voice :lol:
I'd vote for David Ellefson if Frankie can't return. It truly is sad, i've been into anthrax since i found out about them, it kind of went like this...

for one of my birthdays around 10 years of age, i got the Beavis and butthead experience cd, featuring Anthrax and Megadeth, and some other bands that arent worth mention right now. so one day my friend told me about ICP(Insane Clown Posse) and told me i had to get one of their cd's. a year or so later i was thumbing through my Expert Gamer mag and seen a BMG ad. i noticed ICP on it so i thought why the hell not, but i had to get 5 more cd's so i looked in the book of my only cd at the time, beavis and butthead, and picked out bands that had songs on it i liked. i happened along Anthrax and Megadeth. i pick Among The Living and Cryptic Writings. and a few others bands as well. i got the cd's played the 'deth one for a couple months before i put in Anthrax, instantly i was blown away, it was love at first riff. since then i've become the local Anthrax Obsessee.

i feel bad i've only been able to go to one show, it was over the summer, but frankie will be strongly missed from being on stage. hope you guys like my story, its all true.
Inside Out said:
for one of my birthdays around 10 years of age, i got the Beavis and butthead experience cd, featuring Anthrax and Megadeth, and some other bands that arent worth mention right now.
Funny, that CD peaked my interest in those two bands too. Well, that and my older sister and all her metal head friends hanging around playing metal.
LOL, but WHY were you using a back massager on him?

hilarious photo!!! ;-)

i really fear the worst for their live shows from now on. rob doesn't move, scott looks so damn serious and moves only his head, charlie is kicking ass behind the skins. john has a good vibe on stage, but FRANKIE WAS THE MAN!!!

i don't know this joey vera guy but frank was such a big part of anthrax. this is very sad news and only starting to set in. i never thought he would leave, he always looked to be so into playing on stage. i wish the best for him and i hope he keeps us fans posted with what he's up to.

i've been a fan since the first note i heard live of thrax's, supporting maiden at wembley arena, back in 92.
Well, Aerosmith got thier heads out from the anuses and reunited once. Whether or not your a fan of thier's, those first three albums -straight, sober and reunited were pretty damn good. Lets keep our fingers crossed, maybe they could get the "smart" Smothers brother...he plays a bass. :tickled:
max said:
LOL, but WHY were you using a back massager on him?
Frankie's left shoulder was bothering him a bit. The muscles there felt like a small bag of ball bearings if you touched them.
Anyways.... I took Rob and Frank to a mall because their 'runner' couldn't drive them. And we were hanging out in the mall. Frank was in this one store using the back massager on his shoulder.
Of course it's hard to use one of those things on your own back, so I gave him a hand.
Later, Frank and I were each sitting in one of those chairs that massages your back. (Didn't get a picture of that...)
And, later still, I ended up driving Frankie and Rob (and a box of Charlie's drum sticks) to the gig that night.
I became their 'runner' for that day.