I have heard all of Motley Crues work and liked none of it. Their look, sound and attitude has always turned me off of their work! I mean who are they beating up first of all? They had this rep for kicking peoples ass...who? Camera geeks! Fans who got to close to them! please.... I just watched a special on them on vh-1 and it only made me hate them more. I do feel sorry for what vince neil went through with his daughter god rest her soul. I thought he shoulda did time for the vehicular homicide though. Nikki Six and Mick Mars seemed ok but Tommy Lee has always made me sick! He thinks he's tough and acts like a total child, i wish i was the camera guy he smacked because by the time his body guards got me off of him he woulda been pregnant the skinny bitch....i know calm down and take prozac!
But do any of you have bands that just make your skin crawl?
Sorry if i insulted anyones hero's but this is how i feel about them and of course to each his/her own.
But do any of you have bands that just make your skin crawl?
Sorry if i insulted anyones hero's but this is how i feel about them and of course to each his/her own.