My thoughts on Motley Crue

shadow walker

Sep 11, 2003
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I have heard all of Motley Crues work and liked none of it. Their look, sound and attitude has always turned me off of their work! I mean who are they beating up first of all? They had this rep for kicking peoples ass...who? Camera geeks! Fans who got to close to them! please.... I just watched a special on them on vh-1 and it only made me hate them more. I do feel sorry for what vince neil went through with his daughter god rest her soul. I thought he shoulda did time for the vehicular homicide though. Nikki Six and Mick Mars seemed ok but Tommy Lee has always made me sick! He thinks he's tough and acts like a total child, i wish i was the camera guy he smacked because by the time his body guards got me off of him he woulda been pregnant the skinny bitch....i know calm down and take prozac!
But do any of you have bands that just make your skin crawl?
Sorry if i insulted anyones hero's but this is how i feel about them and of course to each his/her own.
Motley Crue's mediocre musicianship, immature antics, and lifestyles of excess have never impressed me. The badboys of rock & roll? No. Things like drug overdoses, vehicular homicide, and spousal abuse makes me view them as "the idiots of rock & roll".

Their only album that I remotely liked was Shout at the Devil. I have no idea why they became as popular as they did.
well I dont really dislike motley crue that much but I do think there were many local metal bands that deserved to more recognition at the time such as Heretic, Witch, RacerX, Phantom Blue, Omen, Malice, Rude Awakening, London, Savage Grace, and many others who busted their asses playing live but never got any airplay even on KNAC yet other bands got pushed down our throats enough so we would be hypnotized into liking them.
shadow walker said:
I mean who are they beating up first of all? They had this rep for kicking peoples ass...who? Camera geeks! Fans who got to close to them! please.... I just watched a special on them on vh-1 and it only made me hate them more.
Too bad they didn't interview Henry Rollins or Greg Ginn about Motley Crue for that special. The story about Henry and Greg chasing Nikki Sixx and another band member down the street to beat their asses after they walked in on a Black Flag soundcheck is pretty legendary around Hollywood. :grin:
smylex said:
Too bad they didn't interview Henry Rollins or Greg Ginn about Motley Crue for that special. The story about Henry and Greg chasing Nikki Sixx and another band member down the street to beat their asses after they walked in on a Black Flag soundcheck is pretty legendary around Hollywood. :grin:

NO SHIT? AWESOME!!! :tickled:
Well I like the first couple albums. Kinda came with twisted sister and ratt I guess. BUt I appreciate more of the music I picked up in late 80's early 90's. Since those were my high school years. LIke Megadeth Rust in peice, Judas preist Painkiller, and yes even The Metallica black album . Boo me if you want. My brothers pounded ity all into me fromt Ratt to testament, Scorps to Sepulcura.

Oops almost forgot ..... Lost and Lots of Queensryche, sabbath and Ozzy.
They partied

They drank

They banged tons of hot chicks

They made millions

They wrote kick-ass songs (sorry, but Mick Mars writes some KILLER f'n riffs and their music really matured in the latter years. I still crank my shout at the devil cd).

They're all still alive and haven't OD'd or been one-hit wonders.

That's way more than I'll ever even dream of achieving. My hats off to them.

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supernav said:
They're all still alive and haven't OD'd...
Actually, Nikki did O.D. It's the reason why he stopped doing heroin.

Of course, their career is dead. There's such balance in nature! :grin:
I've always liked the crue. I always like their shows too. I still play the records. The first two albums are my favs of theirs.

Maybe they're a bunch of assholes, I don't know. I've heard lots of stories. But, I still like their music. Likewise, I don't like the fact that Rob Halford is gay, but he's still my fav singer.
Georgemcfly4 said:
Rob halford is gay ... Tht can't be .... I see him pull chicks up on stage .
Plus, there's no Easter Bunny, Santa Claus or Tooth Fairy.
Yes. But they have sold millions of records and obviously have millions of fans.

My opinion is -- there are TONS of bands and music i don't like. But others do, and it would be very immature of me to put down music and bands solely because I'm not into their music. I hate Creed, but obviously millions do -- so obviously the band is doing something right, so more power to them.

Support the bands you love. And if you don't like others, let their fans support them. This philosophy also works with local bands, tribute bands, etc. Which is why I can't stand petty arguing among friends and bands here in the LA area.

Now if this was a argument of who's the best guitarst. Now that's different. hehe. :)

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