my thoughts on recent threads on the board


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
1. nick: i hope your day of days was good.

2. i am kloot: hi. and i am glad you really like our cd.

3. this board needs to take a cold shower STAT because your minds are all in the gutter. not that mine isn't but as a moderator i feel it is my duty to inform you all of this.
Cold showers don't work. They make people hornier.

These boards are my way of relieving sexual tension. Ban me and you condone censorship. Meep.
i don't condone censorship unless its aimed at censoring untrue things alex says about you. and also i really like the censorship image i found.

No cold showers needed. We just love each other... a lot. And this is our way of expressing said love. In other words, get over it. :)

PS. *hug* that's for Greg.
You guys have been complaining that the board has gone "bad" a lot since I joined. Are you trying to tell me something? I just love you guys. I love you all so very very much. Half the days I would probably smash my face into my desk at work if I didn't have some sort of UM insult to turn around to. And Alex, dear Alex, enough said for that guy. :) Greg knows I love him. Lizard does to, tienes me corazon. Josh is my new fav. Super sweetie. And the rest of you. I love all of the rest of you as well.

PS. I'm drunk.
Honestly, thinking about naughty sentiments expressed with an English accent of any kind makes them that much hotter. I may have posted this earlier, but I love British girls.