My Tone Quest


New Metal Member
Nov 6, 2004
Hi all this is my first post here. This is a pretty cool forum, lots of metal guitarists!! Like a lot of you I have been going through tons of amps to get my "holy grail" tone. I have literally owned every Boogie amp made, and I tend to favor the Mark IV. I just got a 5150, I like it but I am not sure how much. While it does have a hell of a lot of gain, I like the way the Boogies articulate tones better, so I guess the 5150 is going on eBay.

I have a Vetta on the way, but soon after I ordered it I started getting "modeling amp paranoia". For my instrumental group I use a Flextone II XL, it is OK for the Satriani type tones and stuff. But for my metal band I feel Im gonna have to stick with tubes, most likely Boogie. I.m gonna give the Vetta it's fair try (this will be the 2nd Vetta I have owned, the first was the combo) but if it doesnt deliver then I guess it's back to the old faithful Mark IV for me.

Well, no real point to this post other than to say hey. Anyhow we are auditioning singers and will soon be recording and I will post samples of my work soon after that.
I own a Vetta (I, updated to II), and I really like it (though I'm always it's gonna die like it did the first time, 1 week after the end of the waranty..., it seems to be a fragile stuff). You should really have a look here (, the Vetta DI Upgrade Kit is really interesting if you're into direct injection recording ! (works much better than the original AIR)
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Yeah, you want tube power for metal played live. Fuck solid state/modelling shit for that.

My Randall solid state Cyclone head accompanied by a Warhead 4x12 and 2x15 Warhead cabs is a crushing live tone... I would choose this rig over anything with tubes in it. Although I've only had it for two weeks, and have only done 3 gigs. I spent hours dialing it in and am floored by the results. The new Randall Hi Gain stuff is pretty killer for what I play. The 2x15 cab is where it's at when you crunch a low A... rattle the teeth from your skull in a matter of seconds. o_O Everyone has their own taste though.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Yeah, you want tube power for metal played live. Fuck solid state/modelling shit for that.

Vehemence use straight Line 6 amps live, with a Boss Noise-Gate pedal and get some brutal tones. But, then again, we have seen death metal bands get their tone from Crate amps...
I guess the holy grail will be always different for everyone. I know for myself after playing a Mesa Mark series I don't really want to try anything else ever again, especially no more solid-state..
Yo Commandante, I so know what you mean. I love the Mesa Boogie Mark amps. Actually, after many years of uing Mark IV amps, I am wondering why I stray at all. I guess it is because I am looking for that tone with the versitility of a MIDI rig. For a while I used a Triaxis and Simul 2:90, but it just did not sound the same. People have said the Mark IV does not have enough gain. I have owned a few Mark IV amps and one of them, my most recent, did seem to be a bit restrained, but for the most part they are, to me, the best guitar amp even made.

I am still waiting on the Vetta I ordered, going to give it a fair shot, but if i does not work out, I am going back to Mesa Boogie amps and staying there for goood!!!!!!
DIOBOLIC5150 said:
My Randall solid state Cyclone head accompanied by a Warhead 4x12 and 2x15 Warhead cabs is a crushing live tone... I would choose this rig over anything with tubes in it. Although I've only had it for two weeks, and have only done 3 gigs. I spent hours dialing it in and am floored by the results. The new Randall Hi Gain stuff is pretty killer for what I play. The 2x15 cab is where it's at when you crunch a low A... rattle the teeth from your skull in a matter of seconds. o_O Everyone has their own taste though.
Randall is the exception, but then most randall amps are a lot more than just 100 watts aren't they? I'm sure i've seen some that run at like 250 watts.

50 watts of tube is enough for most venues.
I personally don't use Crate amps, but one of the guys from Cannibal Corpse uses them, and he has a fantastic death metal tone, especially live.
Also the guy from Pig Destroyer uses one, but then again the head he uses is 300w. So I guess it makes up for it.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Randall is the exception, but then most randall amps are a lot more than just 100 watts aren't they? I'm sure i've seen some that run at like 250 watts.

50 watts of tube is enough for most venues.

It's 300 watts of death...
Hi I'm new and stuff.. been lurking around here for a while.

I'd love to hear some Cyclone tones DIOBOLIC5150. I played through one a little while ago(after a long time being interested in them), didn't really have time to mess with the settings though. There was a new RH100 in this store also.. I preferred that. I guess the Cyclone takes some tweaking.
So funny, as is typical with me, today at practice a guy came out to buy my 5150. As I demo'd it for him, I started really loving the sound of the amp, funny, so did he and he bought it. Now Im almost tempted to buy another one. I think honestly I am a perpetual victem of the grass is always greener syndrome. I have had Boogies, VHT, 5150, Vetta, Rivera, etc..... Not to mention just about every rack preamp and power amp there is; every amp I dont have is the one I want. Well, for now I will await the arrival of my new Vetta, play with it a bit, and either go back to Mesa or get another 5150 I suppose, then I will start the endless cycle once again.
morningstar said:
... but basicly you need only to build an empire of gear and then sell it all when you've got to buy something new!

or when you're broke to pay your rent.
letting my JCM900 and some stompboxes go was no big deal, but I still cry for
my two acoustic guitars :cry: :ill:
Degenerate said:
Hi I'm new and stuff.. been lurking around here for a while.

I'd love to hear some Cyclone tones DIOBOLIC5150. I played through one a little while ago(after a long time being interested in them), didn't really have time to mess with the settings though. There was a new RH100 in this store also.. I preferred that. I guess the Cyclone takes some tweaking.

I'll post some tones soon, I keep the rig in my drummers garage (it's a little much for my apartment, thats why I have my PODxt). A word of advice though... Don't get the RH100. It's Randall's lowest model. For a little bit more money, it would be MUCH better to get the RH200G2sc. I heard one of those at a local store and I like it better than my cyclone head (and it's half the cost of it!) The RH200 is 200 watts, has 1 clean channel and 2 gain channels. This amp is constructed better than the RH100 also (cooling fan, stainless faceplate, nice pots and control knobs).