My top 10 for 2005


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Well, it's no suprise that our forum has taken a big ol' shit concerning any kind activity in the last few months. LMAO! :cool: ehhh... gotta love the hollidays.

In the process of getting ready to be a new daddy, playing HVAC tech support/salesman, and working out the final touches on the new album (big news coming after Janurary 1st!) - I've obviously been extrodinarly busy - however, I have been meaning to make some time to drop in here.

So, we' ll end the year with this nice list of my top 10 albums that were released here in 2005!

In no particular order:

Absolute Steel - Womanizer ( i'll count it!)
Lanfear - Another Golden Rage
Novembers Doom - The Pale Haunt Departure
Allen/Lande - The Battle
Stride - Imagine
Soilwork - Stabbing the Drama
Redemption - The Fullness of Time
Nocturnal Rites - Grande Illusion
Spock's Beard - Octane
Arena - Peppers Ghost

There were a handful of others that were real close this year... and hundred's more that came out, butI haven't heard/purchased yet. I'm usually 6 months behind - half of my picks got thrown out the window because they came out in late 2004. LOL!

what's everyone elses top 10 this year?

My Top 10 of 2005 looks like this:

01. THE BRONX CASKET CO. - Hellectric
02. CHARON - Songs for the Sinners
03. RUNNING WILD - Rogues en Vogue
04. HYPOCRISY - Virus
05. DIE HAPPY - Bitter to Better
06. PERZONAL WAR - When Times Turn Red
07. VARIOUS - The Revivalry: A Tribute to Running Wild
09. CIRCLE II CIRCLE - The Middle Of Nowhere
10. SENTENCED - The Funeral Album

There were many disappointments this year as well...the FLOP 3 looks like this:

Judas Priest - Angel of Retribution
Stratovarius - Stratovarius
Hammerfall - Chapter V
I have to cheat on two of these, because they came out in '04, but I bought them this year so I count them haha.

Nevermore- This Godless Endeavor
Biomechanical- The Empires of the Worlds
Rhapsody- Symphony of Enchanted Lands 2(I know it came out in 2004, but I bought it this year and have been listening to it non-stop, so it is in my 2005 top cd list.)
Sevendust- Next
Mudvayne- Lost and Found
James LaBrie- Elements of Persuasion
Big and Rich- Horse of a Different Color(came out in 2004 but its on my 2005 top cd list.)
Pagan's Mind- Enigmatic:Calling
Disturbed- Ten Thousand Fists
Communic- Conspiracy in Mind
BlackChest said:
04. HYPOCRISY - Virus

damn...I still need to hear this one

06. PERZONAL WAR - When Times Turn Red

Whaaa? this album is out already? I had no idea!!! I must get it! I'm sure i'll have to pay a pretty penny for it, being that the AFM releases are hard to get here in theU U.S. these days.

07. VARIOUS - The Revivalry: A Tribute to Running Wild

I still never got a copy of this... :Smug:
just the same, I'm sure disk 1 is worth it - disk 2? bleah... LOL!!!:Spin:


even though it's not in my top 10, it's very good album - it was my 1st time hearing these guys. I was told that their other albums are better though, is this true?

09. CIRCLE II CIRCLE - The Middle Of Nowhere

Another AFM release that is impossibleto get... or at least impossible to get for under $20 here. Me and our drummer have been hunting for this for a while (were Savatage fan boys of course!). the reviews have not been good concerning this album, but being that you named it in your top 10, I think I mihgt have to take the finacial leap and buy it.

There were many disappointments this year as well...the FLOP 3 looks like this:

Judas Priest - Angel of Retribution
Stratovarius - Stratovarius
Hammerfall - Chapter V

The new Judas Priest wasn't too bad, not thier best, especailly being a "reunion" album, but not the worst. Demolition was thier real stinker in my opinion.

I totally agree with you on the stratovarius, it didn't click for me at all.

Hammerfall? what the hell are you doing buyng that anyways - you HATE Hamerfall!!! LMAO!!! :grin: :Spin:

so... how are things Jens?

BalanceofPower said:
I have to cheat on two of these, because they came out in '04, but I bought them this year so I count them haha.

I'm the same way, sometimes the year before still has albums that rule over new releases.

Nevermore- This Godless Endeavor

just got this one, and still spinning it.

Biomechanical- The Empires of the Worlds

this has been on my list to buy for along time... I need to get it!

Rhapsody- Symphony of Enchanted Lands 2(I know it came out in 2004, but I bought it this year and have been listening to it non-stop, so it is in my 2005 top cd list.)

I had no idea you were into these guys! doesn't this album also go under the title of: An enchanted evening of symphonic dinner-metal with Rhapsody featuring Count Duku from Star Wars? :worship:
I haven't bought this one might be awhile though, I'm fairly burned out on Rhapsody lately.

Sevendust- Next

is it just me? or is this thier heaviest, and most angry album ever?

James LaBrie- Elements of Persuasion

No disrespect to the guys in DT, but this album is better than the last three DT album put together! I think they should give Jams a little more room on the writting table, Amazing work! This thing was in heavy rotation for a LONG time!!!

Big and Rich- Horse of a Different Color(came out in 2004 but its on my 2005 top cd list.)

Okay V - what the hell is this? :grin:

Pagan's Mind- Enigmatic:Calling

I'm suprised Marc hasn't chimed in here just to rub this one in my face! LMAO! I dig this one, but not as much as Celestial Entrance - of course, the prodcution is phenominal as usual!

Disturbed- Ten Thousand Fists

Their version of Genesis' "Land of Confusion" is worth the price of the album alone. :p

Communic- Conspiracy in Mind

another one that's on my "buy" list - the clips i've heard are mind blowing!

1. Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
2. Kamelot - The Black Halo
3. Scar Symmetry - Symmetric In Design
4. Paradise Lost - Paradise Lost
5. Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists
6. Imagika - Devils On Both Sides
7. Perzonal War - When Times Turn Red
8. Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama
9. Opeth - Ghost Reveries
10. Kreator - Enemy Of God

and then...

11. Morgana Lefay - Grand Materia
12. Bruce Dickinson - Tyranny Of Souls
13. Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
14. Rob Rock - Holy Hell
15. Nocturnal Rites - Grand Illusion
16. Arch Enemy - Doomsday Machine

I still need to purchase a copy of the new Kat V. What I heard in Atlanta sounded awesome! \m/ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Nevermore- This Godless Endeavor

just got this one, and still spinning it.

Jeff Loomis is the fucking man.

Biomechanical- The Empires of the Worlds

this has been on my list to buy for along time... I need to get it!

Pantera meets Nevermore, meets Queensryche. Amazing haha


Rhapsody- Symphony of Enchanted Lands 2(I know it came out in 2004, but I bought it this year and have been listening to it non-stop, so it is in my 2005 top cd list.)

I had no idea you were into these guys! doesn't this album also go under the title of: An enchanted evening of symphonic dinner-metal with Rhapsody featuring Count Duku from Star Wars? :worship:
I haven't bought this one might be awhile though, I'm fairly burned out on Rhapsody lately.

I'm usually not into the Rhapsody type of power metal, but these guys blow me away.


Sevendust- Next

is it just me? or is this thier heaviest, and most angry album ever?

Heaviest album since their first one in my opinion.

James LaBrie- Elements of Persuasion

No disrespect to the guys in DT, but this album is better than the last three DT album put together! I think they should give Jams a little more room on the writting table, Amazing work! This thing was in heavy rotation for a LONG time!!!

First time I finished listening to this album, it became one of my all time favorite CDs. Dream Theater should have just re-released this album under DT, they could have retired haha.


Big and Rich- Horse of a Different Color(came out in 2004 but its on my 2005 top cd list.)

Okay V - what the hell is this?

I got a little country in me, sorry bro haha.

Pagan's Mind- Enigmatic:Calling

I'm suprised Marc hasn't chimed in here just to rub this one in my face! LMAO! I dig this one, but not as much as Celestial Entrance - of course, the prodcution is phenominal as usual!

I agree it isn't as good as CE, but I love it. They have the best production in metal I think.

Disturbed- Ten Thousand Fists

Their version of Genesis' "Land of Confusion" is worth the price of the album alone.

These guys get better with every release I think.

Communic- Conspiracy in Mind

another one that's on my "buy" list - the clips i've heard are mind blowing!

It's pretty fucking good man.

P.S. I don't know how to do that fancy multiple quotes in a post, so sorry you have to deal with the ghetto setup guys.
BalanceofPower said:
Biomechanical- The Empires of the Worlds

Dustin said: this has been on my list to buy for along time... I need to get it!

Pantera meets Nevermore, meets Queensryche. Amazing haha

I just got this finally this week... can't wait to check it out!

James LaBrie- Elements of Persuasion

Dustin said: No disrespect to the guys in DT, but this album is better than the last three DT album put together! I think they should give Jams a little more room on the writting table, Amazing work! This thing was in heavy rotation for a LONG time!!!

First time I finished listening to this album, it became one of my all time favorite CDs. Dream Theater should have just re-released this album under DT, they could have retired haha.

I agree 100% :grin:

Big and Rich- Horse of a Different Color(came out in 2004 but its on my 2005 top cd list.)

Dustin said: Okay V - what the hell is this?

I got a little country in me, sorry bro haha.

and I'm a little bit rock & roll.. LMAO! okay, just some Utah "Donnie & Marie" humor for you there. :grin:

P.S. I don't know how to do that fancy multiple quotes in a post, so sorry you have to deal with the ghetto setup guys.

no problem - chicago ghetto quotes are cool! :p
BTW... to do the quote thing, just use the tags like you do for bold or italic only type in
Imagikafan said:
6. Imagika - Devils On Both Sides

oops... I forogt to add this to my list!!! dammit! it is actually one of the best thrash albums in the last 5 years IMO!

7. Perzonal War - When Times Turn Red

oh come on, you have this too!? I am the only one that doesn't own this??? and I'm a HUGE fan! where the hell can I buy this domesticly? I must have it!

I still need to purchase a copy of the new Kat V. What I heard in Atlanta sounded awesome! \m/

Not much longer now. :p

Dustin said:
The new Judas Priest wasn't too bad, not thier best, especailly being a "reunion" album, but not the worst. Demolition was thier real stinker in my opinion.

I totally agree with you on the stratovarius, it didn't click for me at all.

Hammerfall? what the hell are you doing buyng that anyways - you HATE Hamerfall!!! LMAO!!! :grin: :Spin:

Thanks I did not buy those albums...but listened to them only a few times.

About Judas Priest and Demolution, well I love that album as well as Jugulator, but Angel of Retribution is real lame. A money-thing and reunion, if you ask me.

About Hammerfall and Stratovarius...well, please no more words about that. :erk: :yuk:
I'm not sure I even bought ten albums in '05 - certainly not ones released in '05. I intend to make up for this terrible oversight in '06.

I will give a shout-out to a few, though, and I apologise for the relative lack of actual metal here:

Bruce Dickinson's 'Tyranny Of Souls' had a fantastic sound (I still think 'Arry 'Arris should consider getting Roy Z involved), but I'll admit it left me wanting more, and not in a particularly good way, despite a handful of excellent tracks.

New Model Army's 'Carnival' was just plain bizarre. I've been a fan of these guys for years, and it's been a few since their last album. This one's still taking its time sinking in, but my initial "WTF?" reaction has been replaced by more quiet satisfaction. Much more of a slow-burner than its predecessor, 'Eight', and not a good album to start with if you've never heard NMA - but on its own merits, I'm digging it.

Cream's 'Royal Albert Hall 2005' (for want of a better title) is, if nothing else, a slice of absolute history. The first time these three blokes have played together since 1968, and they played a blinder. A finely recorded live effort, with all three of them in fine form, this is a worthy recommendation to anyone who's ever wondered exactly what was so special about Messrs. Baker, Bruce and Clapton.

Deep Purple's 'Rapture Of The Deep' is a bloody revelation, and has spurred me into completing (as much as is possible/worthwhile, anyway) my Purple collection. Don Airey's integration into the band is absolutely complete at this point, and I actually find it very easy now to put him and Steve Morse up there in comparison to the legendary pairing of Blackmore and Lord. The songwriting is in fine form, and I'd put this well up there in their not-inconsiderable pantheon as one of the most thoroughly satisfying albums they've made since 'Machine Head'. And the song 'MTV' is worth the price of admission alone - it's not included on some releases, so make sure yours will have it!

Iron Maiden's 'Death On The Road' double-live quietly made its way out into the wild. Instantly distinguished by firstly being the first Maiden live album with no profanity whatsoever (so I could play it in my store without getting witten up, woohoo!), and secondly by actually making 'Wildest Dreams' sound good, this is a very worthy document of the rather odd tour in support of the equally odd 'Dance Of Death' album. The band have confirmed we can expect a live album of every tour from here on out, and while some may balk at swelling the already massive stacks of Maiden live material even further, I for one am looking forward to it.

Also on the subject of Maiden, 'The Essential...' may be a cynical-seeming yet-another-best-of, but with the excellent double-CD 'Best Of The Beast' long since out of print, and the single-disc 'Edward The Great' only being suitable for total Maiden newbies, it actually does have a valid place. As always seems to be the case, it's primarily (though thankfully, not only) a singles collection, the liner notes are a tad over the top, and the omission of 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' is frankly ridiculous, but aside from those caveats it's a decent collection best suited to the listener who has a small handful of Maiden records but who probably doesn't want to track down the whole lot of them - and I can vouch for the fact there are a lot.

And finally, for a complete oddity, 'Perfect Dark Zero' (mostly composed by David Clynick) might be the finest soundtrack album of the year, at least in the world of games. Highly recommended. :)
Ruined Luna said:
Bruce Dickinson's 'Tyranny Of Souls' had a fantastic sound (I still think 'Arry 'Arris should consider getting Roy Z involved), but I'll admit it left me wanting more, and not in a particularly good way, despite a handful of excellent tracks.

I've heard this form a few people... although, I still am looking to pick this up - it's Bruce after all!

Deep Purple's 'Rapture Of The Deep' is a bloody revelation, and has spurred me into completing (as much as is possible/worthwhile, anyway) my Purple collection. Don Airey's integration into the band is absolutely complete at this point, and I actually find it very easy now to put him and Steve Morse up there in comparison to the legendary pairing of Blackmore and Lord. The songwriting is in fine form, and I'd put this well up there in their not-inconsiderable pantheon as one of the most thoroughly satisfying albums they've made since 'Machine Head'. And the song 'MTV' is worth the price of admission alone - it's not included on some releases, so make sure yours will have it!

As much as I love the calssic DP albums, Steve Morris defaintly does add a diffrent adn fresh twist to their music. I still have to pick this album up (i'm behind - I also need Bannanas to!), I'd really like to Hear Don's key's on this... "MTV"? I'm taking note! :Spin:

Also on the subject of Maiden, 'The Essential...' may be a cynical-seeming yet-another-best-of, but with the excellent double-CD 'Best Of The Beast' long since out of print, and the single-disc 'Edward The Great' only being suitable for total Maiden newbies, it actually does have a valid place.

These gents have released so many "best-of's"... I've lost count...LOL! I actually have the original, 2-CD digi book/book of "The Best of the Beast" and to this day, I still think it's their best packaged "best of" collection. :grin:

The 2-disc hardback version of 'Best Of The Beast' is, by far, the best-packaged Maiden collection (that book is insanely awesome in every single way - great photos, album/single covers all present and correct, every lyric for every song, full discography up to that point), and arguably the best compilation as well (though of course the last three studio albums aren't represented as they hadn't made them yet, but the rarities it includes more than make up for that). A good-condition copy commands a very respectable premium on eBay these days.

And Don Airey is as fine a replacement for Jon Lord as I could've hoped for. And despite Don's long and illustrious career, this is really his first full-time appointment in a band, not as a fill-in or session guy. He's hit a great groove with Purple, even inheriting Jon's old Hammond organ, and these guys sound like they're having the time of their lives. And live, they're easily capable of annihilating bands a third their age. Purple are as vital now as they've ever been. You should come over and hear those CDs, Dustin ('Bananas' is (mostly) awesome too). ;)