My Unhealthy Situation

Sep 24, 2004
So being a total dink and all, I basically fucked up. For the past four months, whenever ive drank to the point of vomiting, ive been vomiting blood, lately its started to hurt to eat, and now Ive got these pains in my lower right abdomen which may or may not be acute appendicitis. Im almost positive I have an ulcer. I also cannot sleep at night, even when Im tired, like right now and when I do fall asleep its usually too early in the morning and I never make it to class. I finally made an appointment with the doctor for thursday, Im not sure what to expect but I'm not looking forward too it, Im just fucking afraid of doctors, or rather, the outcome.

I just fucking wish I could sleep.
geee what you were thinking from in the first place you sow blood??
i think you said it some what time ago already, you pay high price now for not checking your health condition, its cool to be "fuck doctors i dont need em"
but now you see what is your situation...

dude that was really stupid of you
i wish you to get well soon!
Ulcers are very treatable but can be a pain in the ass too. Whatever it is be certain the doctor is gonna tell ya no more booze!

Hope ya get well soon!
im more afraid theyre going to tell me no more dope, fuck everything is gonna be gone

greasy food
The best way to cure that is with more booze :) . Joke.
But you know the old saying:

One joint a day keeps the doctor away.
That works in my case, but I never had that kind of thing.
Now get well, so you can drink some more.
in all reality i really havent been drinking a lot since the first time it happened and im enjoying dirnking less and less and I only really drink beer now, nothing hard. but ill probably give up beer too soon. but its snowing right now and it looks nice through my window, and im a pretty strong willed individual so im sure giving up all this wont be extremely hard but I think i need more sleep seeing as i have had less than 2 housr of it
just stop drinking period, whats going on with your body is not a good sign, alcohol will only worsen it, doesnt matter if its beer or anything else, alcohol is alcohol, get to a doctor as soon as you can
spirit crusher said:
aye I am, in 29 hours.

Ask yourself why you drink. Really think about it, I did. I had signs of alcoholism (not as bad as yours mind). I used to have the shakes and I always used to look so pale man. Then I realised I was better than this, and there is more to life than just alcohol. My ambition is to protect my sister until she is married off, shes 8 now, So I have basically got to stay alive until then. It isnt much, but she means the world to me and I would fucking hate it if she was like bullied at school and that, and I wasnt around. Im not saying do the same but find something in your life that you care about (girlfriend/wife) etc and set yourself goals.