My Unhealthy Situation

Lanterns said:
Some of you can be such retards sometimes. It was just a fucking question. Get over it.

Over it. ;)

But really... the questions you ask have pretty shit consequences. Questions like that make men scared to hold a door open or carry heavy stuff for girls for fear of having their dick chewed off if they do something nice for the wrong one. And besides... equal rights mean that I'd be expected to actually consider builder as a job option.
drakkar_anni said:
drakkar_anni said:
(...)make men scared to hold a door open or carry heavy stuff for girls for fear of having their dick chewed off if they do something nice for the wrong one.
Whoever fed you that fucking cliché bullshit is an idiot.
Let's get back on topic shall we?
Lanterns said:

Whoever fed you that fucking cliché bullshit is an idiot.
Let's get back on topic shall we?

Oh I hate this saying but... it is true that cliches come about cause they have some degree of truth. You see it everyday with the simplest stuff such as women trying to get prams up and downstairs, not so long ago, no man would think twice about offering help. Now he's more likely to get 'Independant Woman' screamed in his face.
Feminism or WHATEVER you might want to call it, has nothing whatsoever to do with refusing help with prams or doors in situations where you could use it. The issue with the cliché and prejudice is just stupidity really: stupidity of 1.some nutcases who call themselves "feminists" but want superior as opposed to equal rights etc. and pretty much *are* that negative cliché and 2.people who are just...dense. And buy into everything.

Thread derailed!:loco:
Lanterns said:
Sorry for the offtopicness...

@Turbo: I find it admirable that you are by your sister's side. That said, why should she need to be "married off"?!? Hardly anyone in the western world today needs to be "married off" to be safe and happy.

I really ment that she was old enough to handle her own problems.
aye, but i guess they dont have the proper ways to diagnose me with anything their, because its the healthcenter in my school and she recommended i see my family doctor which is not a problem because i have a reading week next week