My vacation with Anthrax


Apr 23, 2003
I know this is late, but I've been working 12's and 16's since I got back...

So, over Memorial Day we took the kids to Mammoth Cave in Cave City, Ky and spent the weekend at a Jellystone. Saturday night we were awoke about 12:30 am by some stupid-ass cuntry song and some hootin' and hollerin'. I let it go and passed out. About 2:30 am the same shit with some added bottle clanking as the empities hit the trash (no return law in KY). So now all of us are awake. Some drunks yelling "turn it up!" and some dumb song about a bar is playing.

I'm a (former)Detroiter, right? So I pull on my sandals and some jammies and stomp down to their campsite. As I round the pickup truck I spy about 30 confederate-flag-wearing, corn-fed, piss-beer-drinking, inbred motherfuckers sitting around two huge ass signal fires....(is that Deliverance I hear in the hills...). So I turn around and go to my camper and go to sleep like a smart little coward.

But...the next morning as I was cooking breakfast and needed a few items from the store, I decided to take the truck instead of walk. In doing so I had the opportunity to introduce my rebel yelling neighbors to Mr Bush's version of Deathrider... :rock:

They enjoyed the smooth sounds of ATL first thing Monday morning too as I was popping down and gettin' the hell north!

Sweet.... :tickled:
johnnieCzech said:
Bush´s version of Deathrider?
Oh well...:) :)

Yeah! I had GOTE in the CD player for the ride down....what the hell is wrong with his version?....HUH!? :rock:

BTW....I don't think Belly transferred well to the Bush era....just didn't care for that rendition.
Not a mechanic....skilled trades - pipefitter...guess I could hit you with a 36" pipe wrench though.
MichiMikey said:
Yeah! I had GOTE in the CD player for the ride down....what the hell is wrong with his version?....HUH!? :rock:

BTW....I don't think Belly transferred well to the Bush era....just didn't care for that rendition.

I was just basically making fun of all the newbies here:Spin: :loco:
MichiMikey said:
Not a mechanic....skilled trades - pipefitter...guess I could hit you with a 36" pipe wrench though.
*ouch* :lol:

Why did I think you were a mechanic? :loco:

**hands Mikey a case of beer**

and like skorn said PIPE- FITTER. :grin: