My (very inexperienced) mix..

The Grand Design

The Jester Race Submits
Jun 14, 2003
Christchurch, New Zealand
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Hey guys, I'm Geoff and I'm pretty new to the whole production side of things, and I'm finding it astounding how damn important it is to know this stuff if you're wanting to produce a great sound independently... :kickass:

Anyway, I've made a pretty rough mix of one of my bands songs using Guitar Rig 3, DFH Superior 2.0 and reFX Nexus for the synths.. it's probably quite embarrassing to put it up here but I'm hoping I can get some feedback on what I'm doing wrong (apart from using GR3 in the first place :lol:), I'm looking into uses impulses as I see there is a big FAQ on them here, and I've just installed Cubase SX 3 which I'm slowly getting to grips with! :zombie:

Anyway the song is called Future to Fragments.. please critique! :worship:
Pretty good for a first mix actually. Here are some things I noticed though; the synths sound kind of loud in the beginning. The guitars are a bit muffled, but I think impulses would help the tone a lot probably. The entire mix seems to be "under a blanket". Try to get some highs in there somewhere. Hope that helps!
Cheers, yeah I agree on the impulses idea, I've been looking into that over the last few days so hopefully I can get some quality tone of it! In terms of highs, do you think I should boost more high frequencies on the synths and guitar etc?
far out.... your band is awesome..checked out your myspace, would buy your CD right now..

am loving the synths and breakdowns, I downloaded the mp3 for my reference :D

I just hope the vocals (when I can hear some) dont ruin it!

When do you reckon you'll have more shit up?
Cheers, yeah I agree on the impulses idea, I've been looking into that over the last few days so hopefully I can get some quality tone of it! In terms of highs, do you think I should boost more high frequencies on the synths and guitar etc?

Drums and guitars, synths are fine (just a little loud).
Cheers c4mz! We've got a really great vocalist lined up, he can really sing/scream so it's a relief for us too! I think I'm gonna put up an improved version of the mix found in this topic up on the myspace this weekend.. so hopefully everything goes smoothly there :heh:

Sphykik is there an EQ built into Superior 2.0? Or is that something I might wanna use a parametric EQ for? For guitars I won't have much trouble doing EQ cos I've done that a bit before. Do you reckon it's good to boost around 3k and 1.8k, or does it depend on what sort of sound you want? :zombie:
Cheers c4mz! We've got a really great vocalist lined up, he can really sing/scream so it's a relief for us too! I think I'm gonna put up an improved version of the mix found in this topic up on the myspace this weekend.. so hopefully everything goes smoothly there :heh:

i will hold you to that... checking myspace on saturday and if nothings there, expect fury.
Haha I can't guarantee anything dude but I appreciate your fury! I might have to hold off.. Our other guitarist broke his wrist a few weeks back, and he's getting his cast off in about 4 days, so we might wait till next weekend or during the week so he can track his rhythm parts as well. *...waits for destructive plague from c4mz..*
Haha cheers coly, it's getting there, just takes a bit of time. I'm borrowing a friends toneport UX2 next weekend so hopefully I can get some great tone out of it! The mixing side of things is something I'm trying to learn as I go, have you had a lot of experience in it?
a little more treble and less low mids on the guitars.

The drums overall sound muffled and need more treble.

I reccomend getting into the habit of high passing everything except bass and kick drum, just below the point where it starts sounding thin