MySpace Newz

Air Raid Siren

Maidens' Vox
Apr 26, 2004
My City Of Angels
If you're on Myspace and you want to be my friend- :D -stop by here:
A few of you guys have already found me :wave: (and vice versa)!

It's like a companion to my website - but there's a song bit from the album I did with Clarence Clemons that I haven't posted anywhere else. It's a duet we did of an Ike and Tina Turner song called "Baby Get It On". I always crack up when Clarence sings the "I wanna stick to you like white on rice" line. Maybe it's just my rather twisted Philly girl sense of humor cuz CD was put out by a Japanese record label and I'm half -Korean! ;)
Lord of Delusions said:
Done! Can anyone guess what shirt I am wearing in my profile pic?
Bichmaker said:
Great pipes there, Chickie! I didn't know you were so famous outside the Maidens!
TY for the props!

Awww famous schwamous! But I have to say I feel very blessed and lucky about having gotten to know some really good peeps.

But of all the things I've ever done - TIMs is the most fun with the BEST audiences ever, hands down!!!!! :headbang:
The only thing that ever came close was when I was touring with Clarence and we would do a Springsteen tune - and everyone knew ALL the words - first time I ever had an audience sing along with a whole song - and it was an epic with a whole lotta words, too. In hindsight, I feel I was being prepped- can anyone say FORESHADOWING???!! :lol:
Well I did get over there you know, but I never did say this before, but I got to say I love your pants, they remind me of Elvis and of Led Zeppelin; but they are :headbang: Rock n Roll.
Air Raid Siren Quote:
Originally Posted by Headbanging Reaper
I added you...look for the Sombero wearing guy

This is a riot - in many cases, it's the first time I've ever actually seen some of ya's! I posted a comment for you, Reaper!

We met once before last April at the Portland show...I was a street teamer...that was such a good show
Wow!!!!!! Now I knew You had a great voice But man to be able to belt out a blues beat like that A-frigin-mazing.
There's a country singer and her name escapes me at the moment that sings with the same heart, power and energy. You got the credentials girl. I haven't checked you ste lately but I assume these are on CD??
Air Raid Siren said:
Hey Robo -
Elvis? Led Zep? haha must be the bell bottoms! I actually wear those in the Maidens show - busted! :p
BTW is that you or your baby on your myspace avatar?? What a cutie!

Yea the bell bottoms, just so “Rock n Roll”, you know?

That was my kid, he was conceived in love; so therefore, he’s sacred… hee,hee, yea anyway, we dote him, cause he’s the only one.
Headbanging Reaper said:
We met once before last April at the Portland show...I was a street teamer...that was such a good show

OhhhhYeaaa!! Duh me! :oops: I didn't recognize you in that sombrero LOL!!!
That was a good show! I think that was the one that Jennifer Batten came to. No pressure or anything! Sara and JoJo were on fire, as was the rest of the band. A lot of crazy stuff happened at that gig, too.

Do you remember the guy who came up on stage to show everyone his tattoo? Aiyiyi!! I had to play security guard and escort him off the stage! Ah well, all in a days work! ;)
Air Raid Siren said:
Do you remember the guy who came up on stage to show everyone his tattoo? Aiyiyi!! I had to play security guard and escort him off the stage! Ah well, all in a days work! ;)

Did you flip him over the edge, or just kick him between the legs lifting him three and half feet off the ground before dropping him back down again for another side kick? Oh that would hurt...
RoboCaster said:
Did you flip him over the edge, or just kick him between the legs lifting him three and half feet off the ground before dropping him back down again for another side kick? Oh that would hurt...

No there's really never a need to go postal on MaidenSfans. :tickled: I just held out my hand - he took it and I escorted him to the stairs. He was really quite docile, just wanted everyone to see his IM tattoo!!!! ;)
Kerry said:
Wow!!!!!! Now I knew You had a great voice But man to be able to belt out a blues beat like that A-frigin-mazing.
There's a country singer and her name escapes me at the moment that sings with the same heart, power and energy. You got the credentials girl. I haven't checked you ste lately but I assume these are on CD??

Thanks, Kerry! :oops: Blues and old school R&B and funk are great loves of mine, as well as rock. I guess I'm just a sucker for any kind of music that is really soulful and emotional.

Ya, my solo cd is available on my main website on the music page. There's a paypal thingamabob on there too, for those who likes!

BTW I've added a bit to the myspace page - some blogs and stuff and (many of ya probably already know this) Linda and Sara have a myspace also - click on their names to check it out!

I have to say the whole thing myspace thing is rather addictive, lol!