Mystery of Obama's birth certificate solved.


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004

Hey, what do you want for a backward island run by cannibalistic savages? If it was written in human blood, it'd be fine with the Supreme Court, so its fine with me :loco:


Where's his middle name?

Where's it say Barack Hussein Long-Legged Mack-Daddy Islamic Homosexual Emissary of the Devil, Son of a Sack of Trash Sittin By the Side of the Road Waitin For a Garbage Truck to Pick Her Up And Throw Her Into the Honolulu Dump, Obama?

That's suspicious...

Obama is now your daddy, get over it
one good thing, a white republican like georgie will never be elected again
in fact the republican party is about dead, only a few southern states are still
holding out hope but with more Hispanics and blacks locating there, that will soon be just a memory
if that stooge Palan is next presidential candidate, it will be over much sooner for Grand Old Party :lol:
Obama is now your daddy, get over it
one good thing, a white republican like georgie will never be elected again
in fact the republican party is about dead, only a few southern states are still
holding out hope but with more Hispanics and blacks locating there, that will soon be just a memory
if that stooge Palan is next presidential candidate, it will be over much sooner for Grand Old Party :lol:

on the contrary, you slobbering window licker. i think Obama is going to be the best thing to ever happen to the GOP. i give our current malignant narcissist-in-chief a year and he'll have screwed this nation so completely and royally on so many fronts that people will be begging for a Republican back in office.
on the contrary, you slobbering window licker. i think Obama is going to be the best thing to ever happen to the GOP. i give our current malignant narcissist-in-chief a year and he'll have screwed this nation so completely and royally on so many fronts that people will be begging for a Republican back in office.

Actually there might be something about what this guy with extremely fucked up English has said above - that the "white republican" might never be elected again. Some say that the USA is getting closer to the historical precedent - that both parties will be actually scared to nominate a white candidate. So that the next election could be a struggle between two Afro-Americans or something like that.
"OHHH No !! Obama Is a MOOOOOSLIM !!! we caaant Have No MOOOSLIM In Government !!!
The MOOOSLIMS are Gonna Destroy The U S Of A !!!! "

I wonder who is gonna be your next Scapegoat after Communism and Islam ?? mmmm I know :-

How about White Protestant Americans ???

Sue, are you ready to become a White Minority ?? Because its gonna happen baby.
I've been seeing more and more of this racial smugness lately. Aren't we all getting a bit ahead of ourselves with all this "Whitey's finished" business?

I mean, whitey is what put Barack Hussein in the oval office. No combination of Tyrone, Gomez, Osama, and Chang can possibly seat a majour politician anywhere except the burnt-out (or In New Orleans case, washed-out) inner cities.

There's only one brotha-Senator (a certain Burris fellow), and he's ONLY there to piss off all the other pale-face senators for defaming the good name that is Blagojevich.

Once America drinks in the novelty of a coffee-hued Commander in Chief like so much racially-charged Kool Aid, the splitting headache from the unemployment induced hangover will cause people to wake and realise one small, tiny, little, miniscule, microscopic detail....

There is no other popular non-white candidate out there anywhere. No other Barack Husseins. Nada.

So enjoy your smug racism and anti-Christian bigotry, and pretend the last six days will truly last eight years rather than just a lonely four... Once Barack Hussein is gone, who's left? Michelle?

I've been seeing more and more of this racial smugness lately. Aren't we all getting a bit ahead of ourselves with all this "Whitey's finished" business?

I mean, whitey is what put Barack Hussein in the oval office. No combination of Tyrone, Gomez, Osama, and Chang can possibly seat a majour politician anywhere except the burnt-out (or In New Orleans case, washed-out) inner cities.

There's only one brotha-Senator (a certain Burris fellow), and he's ONLY there to piss off all the other pale-face senators for defaming the good name that is Blagojevich.

Once America drinks in the novelty of a coffee-hued Commander in Chief like so much racially-charged Kool Aid, the splitting headache from the unemployment induced hangover will cause people to wake and realise one small, tiny, little, miniscule, microscopic detail....

There is no other popular non-white candidate out there anywhere. No other Barack Husseins. Nada.

So enjoy your smug racism and anti-Christian bigotry, and pretend the last six days will truly last eight years rather than just a lonely four... Once Barack Hussein is gone, who's left? Michelle?


In the coming millennium, it is the duty of every Black male to impregnate a white woman! Only by forcing every white woman to bear a brown baby will the white race be annihilated! Only the annihilation of the white race will guarantee racial justice and equality in the world!

Sisters, do not judge your husbands and boyfriends. There is no other way to liquidate the selfish capitalist colonial white race! Our righteous brothers have a holy duty to satisfy the white woman's fascination with the African man. In so doing, they destroy their own cursed race!

Believe me, less than a generation from now, we shall finally grind the last white males into fertilizer and plow their dried bones into the soil!

--Rev. Wright, April 12, 1999
In the coming millennium, it is the duty of every Black male to impregnate a white woman! Only by forcing every white woman to bear a brown baby will the white race be annihilated! Only the annihilation of the white race will guarantee racial justice and equality in the world!

Sisters, do not judge your husbands and boyfriends. There is no other way to liquidate the selfish capitalist colonial white race! Our righteous brothers have a holy duty to satisfy the white woman's fascination with the African man. In so doing, they destroy their own cursed race!

Believe me, less than a generation from now, we shall finally grind the last white males into fertilizer and plow their dried bones into the soil!

--Rev. Wright, April 12, 1999

I agree !!
Friggin Awesome !

No better thing than to Racially Spoil White Aryan Women..

Us Turks have been doing it to Europe for 400 years with our MONGOL Sperm !!!
Whitey's a bunch of damned cock worshippers anyhow. Most homos are white. Low birth rates, more half-blacks, and homos will be the end of whitey.
"OHHH No !! Obama Is a MOOOOOSLIM !!! we caaant Have No MOOOSLIM In Government !!!
The MOOOSLIMS are Gonna Destroy The U S Of A !!!! "

I wonder who is gonna be your next Scapegoat after Communism and Islam ?? mmmm I know :-

How about White Protestant Americans ???

Sue, are you ready to become a White Minority ?? Because its gonna happen baby.

'gonna happen'?
i can look out my window and tell you, beyond a doubt, it's already happened.
I've been seeing more and more of this racial smugness lately. Aren't we all getting a bit ahead of ourselves with all this "Whitey's finished" business?

I mean, whitey is what put Barack Hussein in the oval office. No combination of Tyrone, Gomez, Osama, and Chang can possibly seat a majour politician anywhere except the burnt-out (or In New Orleans case, washed-out) inner cities.

There's only one brotha-Senator (a certain Burris fellow), and he's ONLY there to piss off all the other pale-face senators for defaming the good name that is Blagojevich.

Once America drinks in the novelty of a coffee-hued Commander in Chief like so much racially-charged Kool Aid, the splitting headache from the unemployment induced hangover will cause people to wake and realise one small, tiny, little, miniscule, microscopic detail....

There is no other popular non-white candidate out there anywhere. No other Barack Husseins. Nada.

So enjoy your smug racism and anti-Christian bigotry, and pretend the last six days will truly last eight years rather than just a lonely four... Once Barack Hussein is gone, who's left? Michelle?


i could almost deal with Alan Keyes. i'm not 100% sold, but i'm ready to listen to him.
Yeah, I like him. He's a great speaker and has charisma, but he's not popular. Not even the Constitution Party would nominate him as his candidate, and he was pissed!

I'm so sick of the race card in all this crap. Obama is as black as I am and trust me, I can't dance for shit. The reality is for all the bitching and moaning he is educated and in a seat of power.

You can talk all the shit you want but I think him doing a decent job would benefit, I don't know, every fucking body.

Only in America could back asswards morons hope for failure at the top to prove a point.

Makes me fucking sad.
I'm so sick of the race card in all this crap. Obama is as black as I am and trust me, I can't dance for shit. The reality is for all the bitching and moaning he is educated and in a seat of power.

You can talk all the shit you want but I think him doing a decent job would benefit, I don't know, every fucking body.

Only in America could back asswards morons hope for failure at the top to prove a point.

Makes me fucking sad.

him doing a decent job WOULD benefit us all, hopefully, but that's not the point.
the point is... can he?
him doing a decent job WOULD benefit us all, hopefully, but that's not the point.
the point is... can he?

i give our current malignant narcissist-in-chief a year and he'll have screwed this nation so completely and royally on so many fronts that people will be begging for a Republican back in office.

You've already decided he can't and have stated it would benefit your party. That's pretty fucked up.