Mystery of Obama's birth certificate solved.

Considering the extreme level of corruption that thrived under the last 8 years, devouring our economy, I think he'll be a vast improvement...Pee Wee Herman would be an improvement. As for his birth certificate, is the anti-Christ supposed to have a birth certificate? Ha! Maybe he was artificially created in Dr. Evil's lad of extreme liberalism.

We need to work with the cards we've been can't be the very least, he can speak in public without making a complete fool of himself.

He's already succeeded in having the most ghetto inauguration in history...that's one accomplishment. At this point I think we'll see Alicia Keys before Alan Keyes.

It's over, Johnny. Deal with it. Let the poor guy get his sea legs.
You've already decided he can't and have stated it would benefit your party. That's pretty fucked up.

dont get your tighty-whiteys in a bunch.
i'm thinking less about the benefit to my party and more about the damage an unproven, inexperienced 'empty suit' can do while in office.
Most homos are white.


6. Not Classifiable
For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it.
It's over, Johnny. Deal with it. Let the poor guy get his sea legs.

Was this a message for me?
I'm just trying to discuss from an "analyst" point of view, I'm not even an American. In fact, Obama in the White House doesn't bother me that much - granted if I were an US citizen I wouldn't have voted for him but that's a different story.
No, actually it's a quote from Rambo.

"It's over, Johnny. Johnny, IT'S OVER!"


Ha ha ha ha! I love Trautman! (But yous guyz know I love him in a strictly platonic way, right?)


Here's our man. Whoops, that's Lynndie England. My favourite heroine. She's closest we ever came to successfully merging Rambo and Trautman into one super-cyborg fighting machine! Yow!

"You just don't turn it off. Out there we had a code, I watched your back, you watched mine, out here it's nothing". I finally got that on DVD last year, I love that movie.
at the very least, he can speak in public without making a complete fool of himself.

Excellent orator no doubt. But, all that qualifies him for is attempted genocide of a race, running a nation into the ground, getting his ass whipped by a few allied countries, & then a self inflicted brain fuck with a Luger. l'm just sayin'...
Excellent orator no doubt. But, all that qualifies him for is attempted genocide of a race, running a nation into the ground, getting his ass whipped by a few allied countries, & then a self inflicted brain fuck with a Luger. l'm just sayin'...

Wow...that's based in reality...when's you next electroshock therapy session?...hopefully soon!
Actually it's historically know history...right? Maybe need intelligence to comprehend it. Anyway...let me drank the koolaid. :D

yes, historically based...the history of complete morons?'re an're on the money..duh! Obama=Hitler...great comparison...have another toke.
yes, historically based...the history of complete morons?'re an're on the money..duh! Obama=Hitler...great comparison...have another toke.

Like l said intelligence is needed...especially for reading comprehension. But l'll help you...because l'm generous with the invalid. ;) You mentioned Osaobama's speaking ability...and I retorted with the fact that being a great speaker really only qualifies him to be an evil dictator. But you know salesmen are usually good at turning a phrase too...and it looks like Osaobama has sold you something. :lol: Being a great orator does not make a great's not even necessary.

Hope that helps.:)
Yes, reading comprehension...I said, at least he can speak in public...didn't take it any further than that...never said it makes a great leader. I see you're another self proclaimed internet message board genius. You know nothing of me...making such presumptions regarding people's intelligence certainly shows a lack of maturity. I'm sold on change...that's all. All politicians are salesmen and's part of the job...otherwise they would follow another path.
schenkadere said:
I said, at least he can speak in public...didn't take it any further than that...never said it makes a great leader.

And likewise, l post that Hitler was also a great public speaker. So?

What part of Osaobama being a great public speaker is relevant?

schenkadere said:
Wow...that's based in reality...when's you next electroshock therapy session?...hopefully soon!

yes, historically based...the history of complete morons?...have another toke.

You want to speak to me about presumptions & maturity...yet you were the first to attack with the derogatory statements. How childish...but exactly what's expected from a hypocrite liberal koolaid drinker.