
If the band is some cheesy Power Metal band, a shitty Viking Metal band or a Satanistic Black Metal band that utilizes blastbeats in every song, then yes, this band Nachtfalke probably does suck.

Satan! Satan! Face paint! Face Paint!

Even saying something like "shitty satanistic black metal band" indicates that your opinion is not valid. And this topic obviously wasn't intended for ignorant non-BM fans (not saying all non-BM fans are ignorant, but those who have posted here thus far are, with the exception of SA). It was obviously meant for fans of BM.

Trolls *yawn*
Sonicarnal Artist said:
*reads your trade list*

As I expected.


what's that got to do with my trade list? :loco: trade = i wanna get rid of it :Smokedev:

@planetary e.: who is he? and please explain: "homoerotic novelty end of the taste scale" :Spin:

@Herbstleyd: I never said BM is shitty, I just find bands like Nargaroth very suspicious.
apart from that, I find no musical essence in shrieking 5 minutes long "black metal ist krieg! black metal ist krieg! black metal ist krieg!" :D though the melody is nifty indeed
@planetary e.: how many bands on my list do you know in fact :err: meaning, do you know a single song by the bands i listen most? do you even know which bands I listen to mostly? :err:

and no, i'm not gonna do ya that favour and ever have sex with you :Spin:
With the exception of Ballyhoo, I'm familiar with every band on your list. It's a pretty standard mixture of what the congnoscenti call "faggoth" and would-be-if-it-could be goth and 'progressive' horseshit. Now run along and play with your legos, and leave the real music to the adults.