NAD!!! - Bugeral 333XL! Clips & Pics

Ya man the difference between this and the XXX was so negligible I figured just a tube swap would fix it. So next week Im ordering a matched quad of =C= EL34s and see how much it improves.

Im torn on the preamp side though. Do I go with my normal JJ's or do I try something new
Dont order the matched quad yet..I have em in my garage,,I just gotta find em dude!
I think in the context of tones in general, yeah it's a bit stuffy.
But as far as getting that End of Heartache-esque sound, I don't really see any issue with it. Whenever I hear the Rose of Sharyn re-amp, I tend to get into that mindset, that vibe of actually wanting to hear a kinda stuffy, saturated to shit tone, because I associate the song and the album to that sound, ya know?
If a band walked in and said "I want that sound with the guitars", I think this setup can get into that territory.
No, it's not perfect from a technical standpoint, but if a band walks away happy with the result and, why not? A lot of people really dig that End of Heartache guitar sound.
It's a tone that's good enough to get you into the ballpark of at least a good sounding production.
I think if a guy like Ola can come in and say "Yeah, that sounds good!", it would have to be on the right track, since an opinion like Ola's on guitar sounds holds a good amount of weight as we know by now.
So I wouldn't abandon that setup. It's another tool in the box to use if someone wants that sound and as I said, I think that upper mid range character is pretty solid, regardless of whether it's stuffy in the lower mids or not.
And then for other projects, you can definitely go for a less stuffy sound that allow some superior separation in the lower mids.
Bit of a ramble there, but just a thought.
Oh I hear ya Harry, cant cater to everyone ya know :)

I am extremely happy with the amp, and if anything this was a proof that mic position and the type of mics are as important to the tone as anything. I never changed the settings on the amp at all. I still feel the first 57 clip i posted (the quick mic one) was the best tone of the bunch. But hey different strokes for different folks.

Pete will be at my place tomorrow and I am sure we will fuck with it a bit more. Hopefully he can find those =C='s by tomorrow
Admittedly those DIs have a very staggered, abrupt, flat quality to them. Never liked them to be honest, they have none of the sag and squish of the original performance. There is a strong prominence around 600hz on almost all reamps use these DIs I've ever heard, which makes it sound like its half cocked through a wah, or someone has something stuck in their throat and is making choking sounds. Might be the pickups.

You'll be right anyway. You'll get a feel for the amp after a few days, and probably work out where to boost the gain too, heheh.
^^Funny how that sentiment has never, ever been raised and you yourself praised them previously?

Sounds pretty good, if a bit stuffy. Would love to hear it with less midrange and both performances in there.
I hate EMGs. :)

Guru, it sounds good, and any complaint I have has been mentioned already.

Stop using these DIs now. :lol: KsE burnt me out on that song, now the Sneap forum has too.
Hopefully XXXPete can find those =C='s today before he comes over tonight and we can try them out. Ill get the rest of the tracks up in there tonight. No one thinks the Catharsis ones are under gained? Maybe with all 4 tracks it will fill it out a bit more just seems weak with just the 2 tracks....

I am really loving this amp, much much more then the Blackstar I traded it in for. Cant wait to get some decent tubes in it!
Out of interest how did you manage to do this? did you take an the signal from the direct out socket? or do you have one of those boxes that can take signal from the speaker out?

Also can anyone advise me if its safe to run these things using only the direct out with no speaker attached?


1: FX Send > Interface
2. Hell no.
There is a line out on the back.

I plugged the speaker out on the amp into the cabinet and turned it down really low. not even on 1 its on like half

Then I ran from the line out on the back of the amp right to my Interface. The line out has a level control so I was able to get a good signal going it. I was just thinking about this actually, I am thinking of trying the pre out with a variety of different power sections to see what I get. I have 2 cabs in the house so this is definitely possible. I can just run a long cable and stick the cab I am not recording in the living room........ hmmmm

You know sometimes I hate you guys cause I get all these fucking whacky ideas and then have to try them out
There is a line out on the back.

I plugged the speaker out on the amp into the cabinet and turned it down really low. not even on 1 its on like half

Then I ran from the line out on the back of the amp right to my Interface. The line out has a level control so I was able to get a good signal going it. I was just thinking about this actually, I am thinking of trying the pre out with a variety of different power sections to see what I get. I have 2 cabs in the house so this is definitely possible. I can just run a long cable and stick the cab I am not recording in the living room........ hmmmm

You know sometimes I hate you guys cause I get all these fucking whacky ideas and then have to try them out

Nice! you have got me interested in trying to record my 333xl again! I need to be able to use impulses because I live in a flat and its just anti social to try and mic up my cab, and even then my cab is complete trash and isent worth it!

Because I have to have the cab plugged in (thanks metalfanat1c) do you have any tips to do this but at low volumes? I'm only asking this because its not going to get the valves working hard!