Name bands you just can't stand

Aside from the obvious nu-metal bands and almost anything in the popular music category that won a Grammy recently, I'd say:

All of that true black metal shit - Burzum, Darkthrone, etc.
A lot of classic rock/hard rock bands that are really overrated like AC/DC
Emo bands

And a few really overrated bands that I can stand but still suck are: Morbid Angel, Nile, Bathory, and Dimmu Borgir.
Type O Negative. Don't ask me why, I just...CAN'T STAND THEM.
And I think Pete Steele is almost as repulsive (in MANY ways) as Jonathan Gay-vies.
And, one thing that's really strange: a lot of people who like Sentenced, also like Type O. And although I can't stand Type O, I love Sentenced! My second favourite Finnish band:)
Stupid thread, I've already started to have different reactions to the posts so far, but I'll try to resist my temptation to argue and/or encourage and add to the flames..

I'll tell you what I can't stand. When people that shouldn't be fighting eachother argue avidly, as in the case of severely attacking bands (metal bands) for simple reasons or for any change whatsoever. If some asshole were to come to us and call us retarded for not liking hip hop.. that's something else.

I don't want to hear yet another time about In Flames' new album (yes, they changed and it's not what I.F. used to be but people take it too far sometimes) I also don't want to hear more shit about Arch Enemy sucking now.

And about the other semi-metal/nu-metal bands.. I'll tell you that I don't care for it, but I would rather listen to ..say, Slipknot than Linkin Park or DMX or Justin Timbergay ANY DAY.
I despise 50 cent, even though he really isn't a "band" persay. If someone has been shot at over 5 times and still hasn't died yet, there really is no hope for the world!

I fucking hate Black Metal bands that have 15+ minute songs--fucking wrap it up--it gets old after a while...and I really cannot stand Nevermore.

I also can't stand a lot of nu-metal, etc...but my main thing is I just can't stand music with no heart put into it. Sure, some people may dislike the early black metal of the 90s and late 80s, but it was played with conviction(I love it.) It's not as much genre for me(though I do listen to mainly either underground extreme metal of all kinds, or the 80s stuff I grew up with), but whether it has heart. And about 99.9 of these nu-metal acts and such just have no heart or conviction in their music. Not even talking about lyrics; some bands sound like they just don't care and are just out to make a buck. Sure it's a living for some bands but you can just listen to a band and tell just how much they are into what they are doing. For instance, when I listen to Dissection, I can just feel how into it they are; which is why they are one of my favorite bands. When I listen to CoB, to me they sound like they are really love and are having fun doing what they are doing; not to mention the music kicks ass on top of it. And all of the bands/cds that I like, I just "feel" something in them that makes me think "yeah, they do really care about their music." The Ramones, as simple as they were musically, you could hear they really liked doing it, also.

Now, I really can't stand rap and R&B, just on a musicial level. And just to toss out some band names, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, etc, etc....can't stand stuff like that. Like I said; no heart whatsoever(not to mention no talent)
And Fenrir is exactly what you were worried about, Mag...

Dude, just cause you don't like R&B (I don't either) doesn't mean you can say it has no heart or talent... you obviously have no idea how much people get into R&B. Even Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit, you can't say they don't enjoy their music... well Limp Bizkit I'm not so sure, but I know their guitarist did.

Nu-metal, I think, the sad part is that a lot of them sound like they are giving all they have, which is not much at all... that's all I'll say.
anything thats on the radio, true black metal thats 20min long and just not listenable, classic rock bands that are given too much credit for doing too many drugs, nirvana, new metallica, political punk bands, cradle of filth and all their little mall goth posse, pop punk bands, numetal, nevermore, hardcore bands whos fans suck balls and go to shows just to fight........and yes this thread is fuckin stupid, it will cause fights, but i was going to put in my opinion anyways.......MOTHERFUCKER
white stripes is probably the worst band on the planet.

@ BodomiC & stefan86:
Well, the music of Evanescence may not be so good, but the motherfreakin' singer has so GoDdAmN beutiful voice, that it covers up for what the music is missing.

edit: although, the voice may have been altered with studio equipment.. since I saw one live video from them, and at least then the singer seemed to have a bit insecurity in her voice.
Extendar said:
white stripes is probably the worst band on the planet.

@ BodomiC & stefan86:
Well, the music of Evanescence may not be so good, but the motherfreakin' singer has so GoDdAmN beutiful voice, that it covers up for what the music is missing.

edit: although, the voice may have been altered with studio equipment.. since I saw one live video from them, and at least then the singer seemed to have a bit insecurity in her voice.

SORRY BRO but she is WEAK!!!! She has a pitch range of like half-a-note it is the same song after song!!! My guess is that they are tuning down/up/sideways just cause she can't hit the notes. Don't agree? Then my guess is you haven't sat through the whole CD!! :lol:

So band that blow... 50-cent, P-diddy are both talantless. Seen them "live" on dvd and it made me laugh can't believe they got a nation dupt. Imbicils they are I tell you. But the price goes to Maraya Carrey (or how the fuck ever she spells that) give me a gun and a silver bullit!!

@lantern Type O rocks!!!

Worst band... Charlotte all image and no content.

Captain Spock. Over and out! :)