

May 5, 2003
so Mick; how many people with the name Mick Moss live in Liverpool?

there's you..
the poetry-guy..
and i just found another one who makes music under the name KMO

"Mick Moss has had considerable success in the past year with his songs on-line. In October he took a lyric and produced a song which went on to top three charts and was No1 over Christmas 2001. He has recently topped charts twice more. Successful as that was, this is about the other Mick Moss, the poet who says he wrote poetry to attract girls and then could not give it up. Who posts his poetry to an internet list and doesn't bother to revise it, but who produces some excellent work in the process.

Mick Moss is a 48 year old art school graduate and music industry drop out. Currently doing an MA in Screenwriting at Liverpool John Moores University. His ambitions are: To get his scripts made into films, to travel the world, and maybe one day to meet Mz Right, because, he hasn't yet, despite a few near Mrs."
Lord_Of_This_World said:
So you live down the posh end then?
I bet you don't drop the kids off in your pyjamas.
haha i absolutly hate that :tickled: some girl when the sweet shop next door to where i work and she had the lot on and the towelling robe and slippers, i went up to her in the shop and said " Have they let you out for half an hour" and her face never changed hahaha so i gathered then prehaps she was ill or something :grin: