Something's not right...


I bleed sir, but not killed
Jul 6, 2001
I don't know what's going on here, but....

I distinctly remember replying to a message from Mick Moss (his 3rd) about Antimatter sounding like Anathema.

Now I can find no trace of his nor my post. And, strangely enough, Mick Moss now has 2 posts to his name, rather than 3.

Is something going on here, or did I dream that I wrote that the last track of Antimatter is a montage of Anathema songs?

Don't get me wrong.. I love Antimatter and Anathema. But where the hell has my post gone?
Originally posted by Eos
:lol: You should ask Mega about that :lol:

Sometimes I do delete postings that has absolutely nothing to do with Anathema (site/band whatever ads). I also delete useless postings which have only couple of words that are thrash (like "me too","anathema kicks ass!" etc). Couple of days ago I did delete one whole thread which started with message that "Danny is back with Anathema" (started by Mehdi I think). Now this is not confirmed at all and quite a few people found it confusing and misleading. Due to technical things if the first posting is deleted then the whole thread gets deleted. I could have edited the first posting which I chose not to do. I don't think there wasn't that much harm done.

If you don't like this, then you can always fuck off and go somewhere else. Democracy and freedom of speech is a nice idea but in practice it doesn't work.

- Mega

So does that mean that if you aren't happy with the run of the thread, then you'll delete it?

I don't want to fuck off. I post here quite often considering the amount of posts this forum receives. However, I would like the assurance that if I do post here my post will at least remain for posterity and not disappear into the ether- just because it doesn't have anything to do with Anathema.

Because I think that's a weak excuse, quite frankly.
Furthermore, I posted about Anathema. So, Mega, I'd be interested to hear why you deemed that thread inappropriate for the Anathema forum....
Well, Mega ... why don´t you delete this post too. It has nothing to do with Anathema and it is confusing me... Your criterions of what is worthy or not are really weak.
Originally posted by mega
If you don't like this, then you can always fuck off and go somewhere else. Democracy and freedom of speech is a nice idea but in practice it doesn't work.

- Mega

:rolleyes: Well done, you're getting dangerously close to Nazi ideals there...

But I think many of the other forums on UM prove you wrong... There is no strict moderation, and for the most part there is not a huge deal of spam, it's entertaining, there is a lot of traffic and there are limited topics you can have based solely on Anathema...

The idea of a forum is to talk to other fans not only about the band but other bands they like, stuff about themselves. Forums should be a place fans get to know each other, not a place for talking solely about the band..

Your post was the first I've ever been tempted to edit or delete on UM...

Now, I begin to wonder about the longevity of this post..
Originally posted by mega

Couple of days ago I did delete one whole thread which started with message that "Danny is back with Anathema" (started by Mehdi I think). Now this is not confirmed at all

Waht do you mean by "not confirmed"? By whom? If you get the information by someone close to Anathema then you have a realy good reason to believe it and I think that's exactly what Mehdi did. I think it's good that he posts that here because we all want to hear ANY news about the band. Of course there are some impatient people who then ask "How do you mean?" or "Is it true?" because they believe that you know more than you say but you should rather ignore them than delete the (I dare to say) important message.

Originally posted by mega

If you don't like this, then you can always fuck off and go somewhere else. Democracy and freedom of speech is a nice idea but in practice it doesn't work.

- Mega

That's ok! You're the webmastere here and it's you who decides what is going to be on your site and what not. But you should also consider that it's an official site and so an important source of informations for the fans. And after all a forum is the place where fans can meet and where they can discuss about everything (concerning the band). Mehdis posting was about the band... But as I said, you're the webmaster.
Originally posted by Don Corleone

hey, mega, why do you have to be so rude? are you having a bad day or something?:( :(

my thoughts exactly,the "fuck off" remark was not called for at all,this person is a genuine fan and had done nothing to merit a response of this nature.i joined because i love the band and wanted to hear other fans feelings about a wide range of topics,the thread about"discoveries in 2001"is not about anathema but is still good reading,sorry mega but slaps on legs for you!!!
mega is doing all this so we should also acknowledge what he does for us.
as he explained, he wanted to delete the info that was misleading but sadly deleted the other postings too. i am sure if he was able to delete just the part he wanted to then he would have. i suppose he may not have been in the greatest moods when he said fuck off. i am sure he's still your mate!
Originally posted by lovelorn
mega is doing all this so we should also acknowledge what he does for us.

agree with this statement as well but the "fuck off" was a bit,umm,colourful.ah well life's to fuckin short to be bitchin bout shit that at the end of the day don't mean much,all i want is my girlfriend,my music and a good laff.hope peace descends to all on the list.keep safe peeps !!!
ok maybe I was a bit harsh with my posting. I haven't removed but ONE single thread. I have deleted quite a few individual postins, mostly because they haven't had anything to do with Anatheme, mostly advertisments about bands, websites etc. Then I have removed quite a few postins with just one word etc. I just hate it when I see new postings on a thread, open it and all I find is some crap and useless posting. In my opinion this messageboard is mainly about sharing info and opinions between Anathema fans. When I come to this messageboard, I want solely Anathema related stuff, if I want something else, there are lots of other messaheboards, mailinglists etc. It is not a problem if you just follow one media but it is damn irritating when you follow several ones. I want to know beforehand what to expect when I visit a site etc, not get full of shit which has nothing to do with the things I am looking for to see.

The thread got deleted simply because it was simply misleading people to think that Danny is back etc. I have been contact with Danny all this time and he has been informing me about his thoughts and future and I think I will be one of the first to know whatever he will get back to Anathema or not. I was also asked to think about removing the whole thread by a guy who regularily posts here and runs sites closely related to Anathema. I gave it a thought and came to conclusion to remove the thread. Especially when there was a posting by Michael Moss about Danny getting back to Anathema etc. People might have taken it as a fact when as Mike is in Antimatter and might have some first hand information. To my knowledge nothing is certain with Anathema right now and though it would be best to remove the whole thread even some of the postings were rather good.

The reason why the guestbook was closed down was because I was asked to wipe it clean and close it doen temporarily by one band member. It simply got out of hand, especially when DigitalMetal took those messages by Danny as official statements (which they really weren't).

To quote Death "You know so much about nothing at all"

oh yes, I am not your mate and you can still all FOAD :)
hi people,

i've been reading all this threads about censorship, freedom of speech, [un]official statements and stuff. i've written this statement mentionning Danny being back in Anathema because someone closer to Danny than none of us here will ever be told me that HE IS back in Anathema. Who was that guy? Mick Moss. I strictly copied and pasted the words he told me to publish on my page [].

now, mega is telling that it's not sure, and i'm quite confused about it - who come Mick [which is closer to Danny & Anathema than you and me and whoever here Mega, sorry to tell you this] is sure about it, and you're not?

maybe Danny will change his mind again [nothing can surprise me anymore now haha], but so far, today, Danny IS in Anathema.

I hope this post won't get dropped and i hope i won't be asked to fuck off hehe

death to posers,
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
hi people,

i've been reading all this threads about censorship, freedom of speech, [un]official statements and stuff. i've written this statement mentionning Danny being back in Anathema because someone closer to Danny than none of us here will ever be told me that HE IS back in Anathema. Who was that guy? Mick Moss. I strictly copied and pasted the words he told me to publish on my page [].

now, mega is telling that it's not sure, and i'm quite confused about it - who come Mick [which is closer to Danny & Anathema than you and me and whoever here Mega, sorry to tell you this] is sure about it, and you're not?

maybe Danny will change his mind again [nothing can surprise me anymore now haha], but so far, today, Danny IS in Anathema.

I hope this post won't get dropped and i hope i won't be asked to fuck off hehe

death to posers,

I don't believe any news about the current situation with Anathema unless it comes directly from the band. I have been directly in touch with him and to my latest knowledge he is trying to get back to Anathema if he and the rest of the guys can sort out their problems. Now I am not saying that Mike is lying or anything like that but perhaps he doesn't know the full situation with Danny or has misunderstood Danny in some way. That's why I decided to remove the thread because I and quite a few others found it a bit misleading.
this is a senseless debate, tho i don't like the way you censor messages but well [yawns], let's forget about it. all i hope is that danny manages to get back in anathema. let's wait & see.

death to posers,
I support Mega decision about removing the thread. Mehdi, Mick is not in Anathema. Danny also isn't member of the band now (though I wish he was). I don't say Mick lies, but as I said he's not Anathema member and his announcment isn't Anathema announcement.
By the way, I don't like when there are many lies and barren entries on the forum, so I think that's great that there is someone like Mega to moderate.
Yes, I am sorry that I didnt nit-pick and choose my words correctly and now look at the mess I have made! The guys responsible for three anathema webpages are holding knives at each others throats and claiming each one has the inside info .

The fact is, the OFFICIAL STATEMENT I made was an official Antimatter statement and not intended to be used as any kind of statement from Anathema coz Anathema have got fuck all to do with me Ive got fuck all to do with them.

When I said that Danny was going to TRY and resolve his differences within the group TRY was the operative word. TRY is not DO , (I sound like yoda now.) The statement was referring to Danny NOT joining Antimatter which is as close as is needed for an Antimatter statement. What has been done with my words since has got nothing to do with me.

And yes, there is far too much censorship surrounding Anathema for my liking. Considering the fact that this is supposed to be Alternative music for non-conformists and open minded people, there is far too much pointless exercising of power for the sake of it that leads me to seriously question the motives of the people regulating both this forum and the late guestbook.

Use your own minds to decide.
Originally posted by Mick Moss
Yes, I am sorry that I didnt nit-pick and choose my words correctly and now look at the mess I have made! The guys responsible for three anathema webpages are holding knives at each others throats and claiming each one has the inside info .

The fact is, the OFFICIAL STATEMENT I made was an official Antimatter statement and not intended to be used as any kind of statement from Anathema coz Anathema have got fuck all to do with me Ive got fuck all to do with them.

When I said that Danny was going to TRY and resolve his differences within the group TRY was the operative word. TRY is not DO , (I sound like yoda now.) The statement was referring to Danny NOT joining Antimatter which is as close as is needed for an Antimatter statement. What has been done with my words since has got nothing to do with me.

This is exactly what I was trying to explain people but apparebtly failed. Anywhere from my point of view, there is no harm done and I hope people will at least try to understand my point now that they know Mick's opinions.

And yes, there is far too much censorship surrounding Anathema for my liking. Considering the fact that this is supposed to be Alternative music for non-conformists and open minded people, there is far too much pointless exercising of power for the sake of it that leads me to seriously question the motives of the people regulating both this forum and the late guestbook.

Use your own minds to decide.

I wouldn't call it censorship, all I have removed and will remove are completely crap which have no information value of whatsoever. And about the guestbook, certain postings I have been asked to be removed by the bandmembers themselves so what can I do ? This is also the reason why the guestbook was wiped clear and closed down temporarily.

- Mega
Originally posted by Mick Moss
Use your own minds to decide.

I'm afraid there are many people that just don't use their minds. I'm almost sure that if a polish music journalist looked at this forum I'll read in next polish METAL HAMMER that Danny's back. Entries that aren't true should be removed. That's what I think.