Something's not right...

hi guys,

i think i have to apologize for not understanding rightly Mick's point, so sorry.

anyway, death to censorship, pybus, posers & merdits! long live hairy chests and integrity!

I don't think anyone would confuse this forum with an official news source.

Everyone generally knows that the official site is the only place to get the real deal.

But if a statement made by Danny himself (ie. the guest book message) cannot be taken as official (at least as far as he's concerned), then it's a sad state of affairs indeed.

So far this is the only site I know that has adopted the tactic of deleting unnecessary posts. Opeth forum anyone?
Originally posted by Mick Moss
Yes, I am sorry that I didnt nit-pick and choose my words correctly and now look at the mess I have made! The guys responsible for three anathema webpages are holding knives at each others throats and claiming each one has the inside info .

The fact is, the OFFICIAL STATEMENT I made was an official Antimatter statement and not intended to be used as any kind of statement from Anathema coz Anathema have got fuck all to do with me Ive got fuck all to do with them.

"Yeah Danny is returning to Anathema, the message on the guestbook was genuine" -Mick Moss (from the 'Danny is back in Anathema' thead)

So your "official Antimatter statement" is that Danny is back in Anathama?

;) I know that isn't the message you are referring to here, but I found it amusing anyway!

L@@K L@@K L@@K !!!!!!

Danny is not returning to Anathema, he has been cloned by Galactic Serbot Corporation and his clone will join in his place. The new refined clone of Daniel is a 1.1 upgrade and has several new exciting features (one of which I am sure a lot of the people who use this forum will be particularly juiced by - a super sucking ring piece that moulds around tongues and penises and fingers of Anathema fans).
It is hoped that by the year 2012, Galactic Serbot Corp. will have cloned not only the rest of Anathema, but also My Dying Bride and a special edition Bros. comeback. (wheen will i bee faammouuss anybody?) and by the year 2021 will be producing domestic clones for use in bedrooms and in the back of camper vans.
What will actually be done with the remaining live members of these bands is purely speculative at this precise moment, but due to the tendency of people who frequent this forum to jump upon the slightest irregularity, there will probbably be an official official statement made by both the clones, the band and as a third party, their nans.
Users should only pay attention to a statement made by these three parties. For example if a statement is made by any one or any two of these, or a mixture of all of the three but not in effect ALL 3, it should be ignored, dissected, cross examined and ridiculed.
And reqiuem, youre far too smart for me. The way you managed to expose me as a fraud and a conman brought to mind shades of mrs. marple or murder she wrote or even that unforgettable tv show with dik van dyke and his son that i cant quite remember the name of.. err..
Anyway I shall never again attemp to to pull the wool over the eyes of anybody in this forum , I bow my head in awe and shame.
Originally posted by Mick Moss
And reqiuem, youre far too smart for me. The way you managed to expose me as a fraud and a conman brought to mind shades of mrs. marple or murder she wrote or even that unforgettable tv show with dik van dyke and his son that i cant quite remember the name of.. err..
Anyway I shall never again attemp to to pull the wool over the eyes of anybody in this forum , I bow my head in awe and shame.

oh come on. it's not such a big thing. and i dont think requie had such an intention as to expose you. and i just would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being so warm and friendly with us, your fans.
haha! thanks mick for pointing how ridiculous all of us are getting. shit i'm feeling so dumb, seriously hehe

well, slowly i´m beginning to "untrust" anything and anyone. I even don´t trust in Mick Moss is really Michael Moss. And I don´t believe anyone here that he knows anathema-members for sure. all i realize and know is that the antimatter-homepage got a reset to the time before Danny got a "member" ( The other thing I know is that the forum on the anathema homepage is gone. And that any statement according to Danny´s departure is gone, too. At least at the official homepage ( That means in my little (not knowing but thinking and therefore being) mind that something IS going on here. But I got the weird feeling that I´ll never know. Whatsoever
Originally posted by Mick Moss
The way you managed to expose me as a fraud and a conman

With fans like me, who needs enemies, hey? I didn't mean to cause trouble, I just thought it was funny, that's all.

As long as Antimatter continue releasing great albums, I'll return to licking your boots.:notworthy
Well, I stand by everything I've said. I think it is ridiculous to delete someone's post because all it says is "I love anathema" or whatever. But then again, I do believe in freedom of speech and democracy, which are obviously old fashioned ideals :rolleyes: and there's bugger all I can do about it ;)

Anyway, it doesn't bother me really because, like the majority it seems, I don't post here a great deal...
Requiem, Im a sarcastic cynical bastard thats all. The only thing annoying me here is the amount of posts that this discussion is getting. Not you.
I came in here one day and saw a lot of guys unsure about what Danny was doing so I decided to try and ease their worries with the best of my knowledge. Next thing im pounced on and my intentions are questioned, all of a sudden now im not even myself according to that guy up there.
Hey, I have sort of a deja-vu as I'm reading all these messages here. I used to be the co-moderator of some voice mail system. One day I got the explicit order to delete all junk messages. I listened to a bunch of messages and decided that basically there was nothing but trash in there so I deleted like 90% of the messages. Well, needless to say, some users were a little upset :lol:

Anyway, in a few days "Saviour" will be in my mailbox and I'll be all set. Fuck the rumours!


Hail to all Anathema and Katatonia fans!
oh fuck! i've been very confused and hostlie, and i'm sorry.this is a mess that i have been partly responsible for. sorry everyone, now all of you SHUT UP for a bit and allow yourselves a bit of breathing space. i wish i'd never opened my mouth. big up to dunc and mick and the lads!
danny cavanagh.:mad: :lol: :confused: :D :eek: :cry: :spin: :cool:
Originally posted by Oxiplegatz

Is it the real danny? :confused: :confused:

I think he is, because otherwise mega would have deleted the message already... and the other ones too, also the Micheal Moss messages.

I like that. So we can stay in touch with them. ;)