Name my stoner band for me

If you want something gory, here's a little list I made off top of my head:

Burned Corpse
Blood Magnet
Breaking Wheel


I'm pretty sure you mercyless bastards can come up with something even more painful but this one stands out as the most evil thing I can come up with

are you ready?

I would say Asunder, but that name's too awesome...... Hhhhmm...... Stoner Metal band.... Nothing overly "weedy"...... Hhhmmm......

Shit, I got nothin. :erk:
Dave and the Mother Punchers
Or uh, Meridian (don't ask why, I just like the word)
Orrrr, Thronetaker
Or, a complete ripoff like... Electric Warlock :lol:
Or... Thundernaut
Or something about druids!

I've got nothing. :lol: