Name your 5 faveorite metal albums!


Dec 11, 2001
Here's mine,
1. Slayer "Reign In Blood"
2. Megadeth "Rust In Peace"
3. Pantera "Vulgar Display of Power"
4. Metallica "Master of Puppets"
5. Iron Maiden "Number of the Beast"

others worth noting:
-Iced Earth "The Dark Saga"
-Sepultura "Arise"
-Black Sabbath "Master of Reality"

Now it's time for you to name yours!
1. Slayer - "Reign in Blood"
2. Metallica - "Master of Puppets"
3. Helloween - "The Dark Ride" (or maybe "Better than Raw"... or maybe "Keeper" part 1 or 2)
4. Iron Maiden - "Powerslave"
5. S.O.D. - "Speak English or Die"

Honorable mentions: "Code Red" by Sodom, "Tuonela" by Amorphis,
"Colony" by In Flames, "Awakening the World" by Lost Horizon,
and many others. (Deceased? Annihilator? Gamma Ray? Spiral Architect? damn...)

Five just isn't enough. ;-)
Here's my top 5:

2)Helloween-Walls of Jericho(or maybe "I WANT OUT" live album)
3)Sonata Arctica-Silence
4)Rigor Mortis-V.S. The Earth
5)King Diamond-Voodoo

Some other albums worth mentioning are as follows:
Lost Horizon-Awakening the World
Dissection-Final Genocide
Darkest Hour-So Sedated,So Secure
Saxon-Wheels of Steel
Diamond Head-Lightning to the Nations
Cradle of Filth-Midian
Iron Maiden-everything before Blaze Bailey!
S.O.D-Speak English Or Die

Fuck! This is getting out of hand...
Let's see:

Children Of Bodom-Something Wild
Savatage-From The Gutter To The Stage CD1(If this is valid)
Megadeth-Rust In Peace
Rotting Christ-Non Serviam
Elysian Fields-Adelain

This was a very veery very difficult dissision. The last two bands are playing Death Metal. They are from Greece. Check them uot if you haven't.
Nevermore - Politics Of Ecstacy
In Flames - Whoracle
Savatage - The Dungeons Are Calling
Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumpant
My Dying Bride - The Angel And The Dark River

Other mentions,
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding
Ozzy - Blizzard Of Ozz
fuck, there are too many to write down, to hell with it......
2.Celtic Frost-Morbid Tales
3.Kreator-Flag of hate
4.Godflesh-Street cleaner
5.W.A.S.P.-The headless children

All I've heard by Rigor Mortis Is Foaming at the mouth from The decline of western civilization part 2: The metal years, but that f.ucking rules.
Hmmm, tough....

1)Ulver-Themes from William Blake's 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell'
2)Borknagar-The Archaic Course
5)Opeth-Still Life

That could change on any given day, but is generally my top five faves...
Skyclad Wayward Sons of Mother Earth
My Dying Bride As the Flower Withers
Paradise Lost Gothic
Anathema Serenades
Satyricon Dark Medieval Times

Top 5 Classics
Candlemass Live
Bathory Hammerheart
Iron Maiden Live After Death
Helloween Keeper of the Seven Keys Part 1
Candlemass Ancient Dreams
suffocation-peirced from within
nile-black seeds of vengance
dying fetus-infatuation with malevolence
immolation-here in after
devourment-molesting the decapitated

other worth metionables:
broken hope-repulsive conception
suffocation-despised the sun
morbid angel-formulas to the felsh
1 Amorphis - Tales from the Thousand Lakes
2 Entombed - Wolverine Blues
3 Slayer - Show No Mercy
4 Enslaved - Mardraum
5 Opeth - Still Life

gods, that leaves out so much.
...and I'm excluding doom from this. Otherwise it would be impossible.