Name your favorite Pantera

Cowboys From Hell is my favorite with Vulgar Display of Power right behind it
The first time I saw Pantera was opening for Suicidal Tendencies and Exodus at the New Ritz in NYC during the Cowboys From Hell . Not many people there knew who they were at first but by the time they were doing Cowboys From Hell there was a nice mosh pit and Gary Holt was in the crowd headbanging. They totally impressed me that night and I went out and bought CFH the next day at Tower Records.
My top two fav's.

Cowboys from Hell
Vulgar Display of Power

Was at the Feb 1 show here in Albq in 2001 with Morbid Angel. It was their last tour before they "unofficially" split. Was one of the best shows I've ever been to. Would only have better if I could have seen them later in the tour when Slayer joined the bill.
I think the last time I saw them, they were opening up for Sabbath. Phil was in terrible shape, and actually cursed out the crowd for 'not paying enough respect'. Guy was really fucked up at that point.
Not So Vulgar Display Of Power
Far Beyond Driven

(That first one is a radio-only edit of the CD, and has proven its worth at WREKage time and time again. :))

I saw them at least twice.

One show was at the old International Ballroom in Doraville GA where I had the privilege of meeting Dimebag and Phil before the show. Good times, good times.
Not So Vulgar Display Of Power
Far Beyond Driven

(That first one is a radio-only edit of the CD, and has proven its worth at WREKage time and time again. :kickass: )

I saw them at least twice.

One show was at the old International Ballroom in Doraville GA where I had the privilege of meeting Dimebag and Phil before the show. Good times, good times.
Special thanks to Metalsped, I got hooked up with the Pantera 80's catalog. :) I must say that the album Power Metal has some seriously good stuff on it! Dime and Vinnie Paul kill on it! Phillip hits notes on this one that you later hear on Cemetary Gates. This should be re-released, remastered, along with new artwork to the masses. If that happened, the "Guitar Hero" generation could see how tru-metal sounds! :rock:

Glenn, you should mix some tunes from this album on your house music for fun this year. :)

Pantera - Power Metal :notworthy

Special thanks to Metalsped, I got hooked up with the Pantera 80's catalog. :) I must say that the album Power Metal has some seriously good stuff on it! Dime and Vinnie Paul kill on it! Phillip hits notes on this one that you later hear on Cemetary Gates. This should be re-released, remastered, along with new artwork to the masses. If that happened, the "Guitar Hero" generation could see how tru-metal sounds! :rock:

Glenn, you should mix some tunes from this album on your house music for fun this year. :)

Pantera - Power Metal :notworthy


...and I see I somehow missed 'I Am the Night' in my first list. Sheesh... let's rectify that

Far Beyond Driven
Cowyboys from Hell
I Am The Night
Vulgar Display of Power
Power Metal
The Great Southern Trendkill
Metal Magic
Projects in the Jungle
Reinventing the Steel
I'm a pre-Cowboys fan. I remember when Metal Magic first came out and I was blown away. Never did get why they dumped that stuff or refused to even admit to it. I never thought they were "glam metal".

My favs..
I Am the Night
Metal Magic
Projects in the Jungle
Cowboys From Hell
Far Beyon Driven

never could get into Power Metal and I stopped listening to them after Driven..
I'm a pre-Cowboys fan. I remember when Metal Magic first came out and I was blown away. Never did get why they dumped that stuff or refused to even admit to it. I never thought they were "glam metal".

My favs..
I Am the Night
Metal Magic
Projects in the Jungle
Cowboys From Hell
Far Beyon Driven

never could get into Power Metal and I stopped listening to them after Driven..

Surprised you didn't care for POWER METAL, some of my favorites from them on that one. The early stuff was fantastic, they were really something to see live back then. I can take doses after CFH but they never were the same for me after that...
Vulgar Display of Power and Cowboys from Hell are my favorite discs. (edit)

Definitely my two fave discs... Cemetary Gates still gives me the chills every time I hear it.. Never got to see them live tho... An honorable mention - Walk.. I have many good memories jammin' out to this song; 3 people packed into a Fiero, heading up to Hammerjack's (RIP) for a night out...

... ah the good ol' days.... :Smokedev: