Name Your Song Pick for the Next Maidens' CD

Apr 10, 2009
It's time for a new TIMs CD, doncha think? Well, don't get too excited yet :Smokin: because it's still a ways off, but we'd love to know your thoughts on which songs to include. FYI, here's what the band has already recorded and released in the U.S.:

The Number of the Beast
Two Minutes to Midnight
Children of the Damned
The Trooper
Wasted Years
Aces High
Phantom of the Opera
Run to the Hills
Hallowed be thy Name
Remember Tomorrow

We might repeat a couple of the "classics" but we obviously don't want to record a lot of the same songs again. So, let 'er rip and let us know what YOU would like to hear on our next CD! Thanks! :headbang:
This would be a godsend! Been hoping for a new CD from this extremely-gifted line-up of the IM's.

BTW, "Where Eagles Dare" would be my choice. :kickass:
I would like to hear:

Hanging Judge - Armored Saint
Back in the Village -Iron Maiden (special acoustic version)
Hordes of Chaos - Kreator (with video of band members engaged in medieval combat vs. undead in a castle)
Princess of the Night - Saxon
I want out - Helloween
Lone Justice - Anthrax
Breadfan (Metallica version)
Electric Crown - Testament
Into the Lungs of Hell / Set the World Afire - Megadeth
Die With A Beer In Your Hand - Tankard
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme - ABBA
I getcha. :D

I would like to hear:

Hanging Judge - Armored Saint
Back in the Village -Iron Maiden (special acoustic version)
Hordes of Chaos - Kreator (with video of band members engaged in medieval combat vs. undead in a castle)
Princess of the Night - Saxon
I want out - Helloween
Lone Justice - Anthrax
Breadfan (Metallica version)
Electric Crown - Testament
Into the Lungs of Hell / Set the World Afire - Megadeth
Die With A Beer In Your Hand - Tankard
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme - ABBA
It would be awesome. You could do a double sided CD ( I think you can, since they do DVD's), and a music video DVD. The videos would all be shot like 1980's style and in the theme of each song. Where Eagles Dare, shoot it like the Clint Eastwood movie, that one I can make happen, I have access to all that stuff. Viking type action for Invaders, etc. It would be epic to say the least.
Ooooh how exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Some of my picks would be...

Infinite Dreams
Rime Of The Ancient Mariner (maybe too long and would reduce the tracklisting dramatically)
Man On The Edge (love this one, even tho you girls have not done it yet, I thought I would still mention it)
Flash Of The Blade
Deja Vu
Alexander The Great
Back In The Village
Caught Somewhere In Time

That'll do for now. :D
Liv Moon also covered that ABBA song.

On the topic of Maiden covers: don't forget "Invaders" either. Perfect song to set to clips from "Vikings." Assuming you don't violate copyright laws. :)
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