
Night Reaper

ooo the reaper wants more
Oct 6, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
what is your name : joel

do you like it : yes, it's short and i like the letters

would you change it : no

if you had to change it : alex or vladimir maybe ?

do you have a nickname and what is it : don't have one

have you ever been so high you wanted to change your name : can't say i have

snoop ''lion'' inspired me to do this,
What is your name: Caroline

Do you like it: I didn't when I was younger, but I do now.

Would you change it: I think not. Quite difficult to imagine yourself with another name

If you had to change it: Have no idea. Can't think of a name that would suit my personality better than the one I allready know x)

Do you have a nickname and what is it: Caro

Have you ever been so high you wanted to change your name: Never been high, so no
What is your name: Paul

do you like it:Not really,i only ever get called it when im
in trouble!!
would you change it:nah

if you had to change it: Norti Razcall


have you ever been so high you wanted to change your name:Im often so high
i cant even remember my name,let alone want to change it:lol:
what is your name : Omar

do you like it : my full name means "wise and just king" in two languages. I fucking love my name.

would you change it : never.

if you had to change it : dunno

do you have a nickname and what is it : many, none come to mind at the moment though

have you ever been so high you wanted to change your name : nope.avi
i only ever get called it when im
in trouble!!
Lord knows that's all the time because you're such a badass...

Norti Razcall


Im often so high
i cant even remember my name,let alone want to change it:lol:

Not sure if you've realized it yet, but being a "badass" on the internet just makes you look like a tool :/

Please stop.

Le sigh....
Jeeezz chaps im no bad ass,and wouldnt want to portray myself as one:D
thats the trouble with not being face to face,things get taken out of context and dont sometimes read as they are being written,nearly everything i say on this forum should be taken with a light hearted attitude...Please do:D
And its true,everyone calls me spider,even my mum....except when im in trouble.:D
peter parker gets called spidey when other people are in trouble
Enmity,you've got some front hav'nt ya?
Whats this bullshit "CHICK-FIL-A" thread you've started?
"My Mind is full of fuck" not much to discuss there then eh?
Creating meaningless threads to draw attention to to ones self...
Now thats what I call bad Ass!!:fu:
I didn't have much to discuss because there are a whopping 4 people who frequent this forum now so after making it I didn't have much to talk about it.

You really need to get off the internet you sad, lonely little man you :)
HAHAHAHA,chuckle chuckle guffaw guffaw:loco:
Sorry youre wrong on all three,well two anyway:
Sad- if im upset then yes
Lonely-very,very rare
Little-5'11 and 12 n a bit stone-i would call that "medium"
oh, and i couldnt leave now,too much fun playin;)
Name: Kris
Do you like it: yes
Would you change it: no
If you had to change it: hmm I don't know, these are the names I like and I can imagine me having them: Nigel or Adam.
Nickname: Dondir ( but its also my brothers and fathers nickname and just some people that don't know me very well call me Dondir )
so high that I would to change it: never been high.
Enmity,why do any of us come onto a forum?
for me its to have a bit of banter, maybe an argument;) or sometimes to discuss
serious topics(yes i can sometimes).
I think the crux of this is not many of you(if any) get my sense of humour.
Child like,purile,verging on the moronic, thats me,i dont apologise, i can laugh at myself,a must if your going to laugh/ridicule other people,no double standards here,no i will carry on in the same vein,leaving you scratching your heads and wondering "whats this fuckin moron on about?" This forum doesnt have a bearing on my life in the real world, its a place to visit,vent my spleen,take the piss and above all HAVE A BIT OF FUN
Enmity,why do any of us come onto a forum?

For most of us it's just out of habit, the same as checking our facebook or email. It's not that we even enjoy it, we just sort of inadvertently end up here, not because there is anything worth doing or saying here.

This forum doesnt have a bearing on my life in the real world, its a place to visit,vent my spleen,take the piss and above all HAVE A BIT OF FUN

Says the guy getting super defensive with someone on the internet that he doesn't even know irl. :rolleyes:
Says the guy getting super defensive with someone on the internet that he doesn't even know irl. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]Ah i get it now,i try explaining myself and im being defensive,but if i was a soulless sod with nothing but one word answers,that would be ok? maybe your right fella,i might be in the wrong place

fuck,still cant do this quote thing