Names with Faces thread (Post your pic)

Bryant said:
That's cool as hell. I am WAY too lazy to do shit like that. I do have a shelf in my living room that goes halfway around it with my beer bottle collection on it. Other than that, my rooms are lucky to get a coat of paint every few years.


HAHAHAHA yes.. i know brother.. i'm really sick.... every frame signed by some of my favourites bands is a trophy to me... :headbang:
Here Is my dumb ass sandwiched between Luca and Alex from RHAPSODY. My scanner is busted or I would scan an older picture of me when I at least appeared to be metal.

The years have not been kind.

HeatherMetal said:
Hola all:

Since I'm technically challenged, here is a link to some photos taken at PP two years ago

Couldn't make it last year as I was in the Virgin Islands. Note to self, never ever take a trip to the islands during hurricane season when you could be in Atlanta instead.

Ciao. do know that we had hurricane ivan in atlanta then, right? ;)...
FatesFan said:
Here Is my dumb ass sandwiched between Luca and Alex from RHAPSODY. My scanner is busted or I would scan an older picture of me when I at least appeared to be metal.

The years have not been kind.


ZIGGY'S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just caught the pic or your walls...that is cool and must have taken some time

Sautherom said:
HAHAHAHA yes.. i know brother.. i'm really sick.... every frame signed by some of my favourites bands is a trophy to me... :headbang:
oh nos! ...

I am not photogenic...


The best one I have...I recognize most of the people that have posted.. I am Justin...and Tony = WarmWetOs...also..the photo is about 2 years old or so..maybe older?

I look forward to seeing all familiar faces and friends..
Okay.....I have a recent picture, not the best, but at least it's something better than my picture with Devin Townsend from April. :yuk:

From last weekend's rafting trip. Riding the rapids. (that's me on the right):


And then.....the rapids riding us. Note me pulling on the rope as I go down. The photographer called it "closing the coffin." :lol:

junnie from the east said:
thank you Mike, i've been working so hard that no one would complain when i have one week off next month :) i tried to post here earlier but when i submitted my reply, error occured and every text was gone :(

no prob. about Manigance. what do you listen to lately? we'll chat later in Atlanta.

and i like to say, i enjoy looking at all the attendees pics here! i think theres some more faces that i saw last time, i have to make sure in person :)
and couples and family photo make me smile a lot! i want to attend PP as a couple or family someday! :headbang:

Can't resist this one... I'm single!:D

Hey, can't blame me for trying, it's hard for a single dad to meet girls, especially metal ones. ProgPower shirts aren't in abundance at Kindergarten functions, and it's a damn shame.
Greg and myself at PPV....

Oh well, it won't let me attach cause it says it is already in another thread. I'm sure you'all remember us when you see us NEXT WEDNESDAY!