Names with Faces thread (Post your pic)

Yippee38 said:
I can't imagine what you will look like bald. I guess you'll be easy to spot at PP.

Sometimes I wish I were bald, it would make my life easier. I'll be the tall, chubby, pale chick with long *dark brown* hair. This one:

MetalRose said:
That is if the PPPP doesn't steal you first. :)
If I don't find you first, just look for the gal who is causing all kinds of shennanagins. That will most likely be me.

Also, you can just ask people for Metal or MetalRose. By now, my family calls me that. LOL.


I'll be the taller half of the shennanagin maker duo hehehe:

(Shades, The Mountain King, Shennanigan Queen)
Pellaz said:
Interrupting with some ugliness :D

Ed Wynne and Jumping Jon from Ozric Tentacles, and me:


I can tell you with 100% honesty that you look better than both the people you're with in that picture though. :p
Pellaz said:
Yeah, poor Jon looks a bit shell-shocked. Maybe he had a premonition that Ed would be sacking him within a few short months. (Jon was the frontman for Ozrics for a loong time. :( )

We'll see what happens. Maybe the band is going through "toxicological cleaning" now and will be back to good shape when time for a new album/tour comes around
guardian26 said:
I've been identified! Yeah, Junnie how are you doing? Long time no talk, thanks for the Manigance recommendation.

thank you Mike, i've been working so hard that no one would complain when i have one week off next month :) i tried to post here earlier but when i submitted my reply, error occured and every text was gone :(

no prob. about Manigance. what do you listen to lately? we'll chat later in Atlanta.

and i like to say, i enjoy looking at all the attendees pics here! i think theres some more faces that i saw last time, i have to make sure in person :)
and couples and family photo make me smile a lot! i want to attend PP as a couple or family someday! :headbang:
Here I am in black and white:

and here I am shooting Cachaça in Brazil:


I will have to go back through this thread right before PP to remember what everyone looks like :).

Ascension said:
Apparently, l don't know how to do this...grrrr

Hey Ascension,

In your post text entry box, click on the image icon and just paste the URL of your image where you are prompted to enter the text. You can get the URL of the image by right clicking on the image, selecting "Properties" and highlighting the "Address(URL)" with your mouse and then pressing Ctrl + C to copy it to your clipboard, then Ctrl + V to paste it. (Windows, of course.)
I will have to go back through this thread right before PP to remember what everyone looks like

Print everyone out. Except for me... my picture might break your printer.
Sautherom said:
ME... in MY METAL ROOM.....

That's cool as hell. I am WAY too lazy to do shit like that. I do have a shelf in my living room that goes halfway around it with my beer bottle collection on it. Other than that, my rooms are lucky to get a coat of paint every few years.
