Names with Faces thread (Post your pic)

kittybeast said:
Oh Pppffft Shaye! You and all the women of UM are all beautiful..and nice, sweet and friendly from what I hear and read. :wave: Cannot wait to meet all of you! :hotjump:

Bryant....if you keep saying 33...I'm going to start believing it! :tickled:

You will fit right in dear. I've known Shaye for many many years. I'll be sure to introduce you to everyone.

Pellaz said:
Behind the control board at WREK 91.1 FM, for WREKage (old studio):

Love the pic of you at the controls! I DJ'ed at a college radio station for a few years and had a great time!

And since others have posted links to their MySpace pages, I'll throw mine in as well...

Bryant said:
You will fit right in dear. I've known Shaye for many many years. I'll be sure to introduce you to everyone.

Yeah, we've known each other forever... I'm uh... 23! yeah, that's it. 23! ;)
Looking very forward to meeting you, too, KB! :D I'm sure I'll be somewhere around Bryant most of the time, and you might recognize another guy I'll be hanging out with some. ;)

That is if the PPPP doesn't steal you first. :)

kittybeast- Let me say, that I met a lot of these cats last year, and it's amazing how much of a family they feel like already. :) There was only one bad egg in the bunch- but don't worry he left just before I kicked his ass (Shaye knows who I'm talking about from PPV). But I don't think he posts here. :) It'll be HARDER to find someone who doesn't welcome you with open arms than it will to find someone who's rude.

It was really cool to meet one person, then have them introduce you to 15 others, and it keeps going like that all weekend.

I'm looking forward to meeting you! If I don't find you first, just look for the gal who is causing all kinds of shennanagins. That will most likely be me.

Also, you can just ask people for Metal or MetalRose. By now, my family calls me that. LOL.

:wave: i know too... :)
the bad eggs are just scenery and something for us to go right?

MetalRose said:
That is if the PPPP doesn't steal you first. :)
:) There was only one bad egg in the bunch- but don't worry he left just before I kicked his ass (Shaye knows who I'm talking about from PPV). But I don't think he posts here. :)

MetalRose said:
That is if the PPPP doesn't steal you first. :)

There was only one bad egg in the bunch- but don't worry he left just before I kicked his ass

I'm looking forward to meeting you! If I don't find you first, just look for the gal who is causing all kinds of shennanagins. That will most likely be me.

Like this dude?

Look at him, he's bad.

You aren't the only one causing shennanagins at this one, lol.
We'll be there....


I WAS looking for a more recent photo of the two of us. Oddly, there weren't any that I was willing to post. Oh, well. (That's jhallum/Jeremy on the left. He posts almost as often as I do)