Napalm Death!


Nothing Left to Mutilate
May 28, 2001
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I just saw them for the long overdued first time last night!
They kick ass live! They have so much energy on stage & they're nice guys, too.
Just thought I would share my happiness with everyone:D
Yeah, I've been a fan only about 7 or 8 yrs (still good though)
I 1st heard them about 10 yrs ago, I guess some things take a second exposure before they hit you the right way. Everything's okay now though, I have seen pioneers of extreme metal!
I've only just got into them really - got introduced to the grindcore scene by seeing a glowing review of Nasum's Human 2.0 then going out and buying it - I was amazed! After hearing that Napalm Death were generally considered the fathers of grindcore, I went out and bought 'Scum'. Fantastic album! *shameless self-promotion coming up* You can read my review of it in UM's main site *shameless self-promotion over*, but I was wondering - what's the best ND album to pick up - I've got a choice between Enemy Of The Music Business, Leaders Not Followers and The Radio One Sessions.
Diatribes & Fear, Emptiness, Despair are two of my favorites.
But the bottom line have to get all of them:heh:
Diatribes, Fear, Emptiness, Despair, etc are alright, but they're not particularly grinding.
Get 'Death By Manipulation' if you can, its the collection of 12''s....but pretty much everything released from 1992 and before is great.