Native German Speakers

You could listen to Rammstein. It shouldn't be too hard to understand because he sings relatively slow, and the texts are actual german.. other than Bushido and the likes.
Some of it isn't what you would use in spoken language, but lyrics are called "lyrics" because they can contain lyric poetry I suppose ;)
I don't think music is a good way to learn a language because every band (doesn't matter if they sing in german or english) twists words and sentences around until they fit the music.. and it's not really gramatically correct in the end. Books are pretty helpful imho, and especially movies - preferrably good ones with well known dialogues. You could try if watching movies you already know with german synchronization and perhaps even german subtexts help.

By the way, because I heard it a few minutes ago and it is a very common mistake: Please don't ever say "mit ohne" ;) If you want to order something without pepper, you say "ohne Pfeffer" but never ever "mit ohne Pfeffer". It's probably confusing because without kinda says with + out, but it doesn't exist in german. That would be like saying "I'd like my pizza with without pepper". If you ever order a pizza or a doner kebap, you will hear "mit ohne" from the guy selling it everytime, I guarantee :D
Oh and Lasse, you grammar-Nazi :lol: :lol:
I agree 100% on everything you said, though. Most people talk like retards (and I'm not talking about dialects and accents here) just because they don't know any better. Plus most teenagers think it's cool to sound as if you were from Turkey for some reason.. why the fuck would anyone try to sound like he can't speak properly? I'll never understand it.

One last thing: The "als / wie" thing is driving me nuts, too. Unfortunately 99,999% of the Bavarian population don't know the difference. Even highly educated people will say "ich bin größer wie du" or even worse "ich bin größer als wie du". FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
+1 to Subway to Sally, Rammstein and Knorkator.
Knorkator is awesome indeed.
My GF (Italian) also got easier into german with Subway to Sally btw

That Bushido track you posted in the OP sounds quite good for what I recall of Bushido, regarding the "german" aspect...
from what I recall he mostly sounds like that

so I'd be carefull...sometimes he pronounces the word "ich" different in the same song. kinda strange to explain, but he switches from kinda ghetto to normal german.

From my italian GF point of view btw: she says that german isn't that hard to learn, apart from the articles, which aren't exactly easy in most languages...apart from english :lol:

about the "zu brauchen" thingy Lasse:
I agree about all the other things you said, as well as the "als wie" (ArRG) but I don't think it's that much of a problem to leave out the "zu", because even if you do so there's still no room for interpretation. Languages tend to become easyier and not more complicated...thats what I remember from talking to guys who study linguistics :lol:
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You just reminded me that lately I have been watching Scrubs from the first season - to the last. Every now and then when I have a bit of time and the disc is finished I'll go back to the menu and switch on the german dub and re watch some of the episodes. Because I already know the stories and have seen the actual episode a couple of times before I can piece together most of the dialogue and even pick up some new phrases. I always wonder what the German does when they use English word play in the episode... but I can never follow it closely enough to understand it.

I would never have thought to use the word 'wie' as interchangeable with 'als'.

Wie - like/how
als - as
"I always wonder what the German does when they use English word play in the episode.."

funny you mention that. most of the time stuff like scrubs, 2,5men and whatnot is much much more enjoyable in english...i rarely watch it in german nowadays.
while you obviously still get what the story is about, even in german, some of the fine nuances, especially play of words are often lost in translation.
yeah, simpsons is great in English and good in German, but family guy for example is fantastic in English and BOOOORING AS FUCK in German.
most shows are MUCH better in English.
one exeptioc: King of Queens!
the dubbed version of KOQ is actually better than the original.

if you wanna see a really funny German show: Stromberg.
That happens with all languages, I hate watching dubbed shows or films cause if that. Although I have to admit that regarding Spanish, the Spanish do it better than the Latin Americans cause to avoid the word play issues they pretty much change the whole joke or dialogue to a more "colloquial" way that actually makes send to Spanish people. It might be impossible to correctly translate some word play, so they change it so it's still funny. OT yeah cause it's not German, but it's my experience with dubbed stuff
Actually I think Strombeg is quite a bit better than the office...MUCH funnier IMO...although I admit that 90% of the humor will be difficult to grasp for the OP since it's not really the "jokes" that make it but the way he's speaking/constructing his sentences...well, or rather not finishing the sentences)...believe me, it's really much funnier than the office once you get into it (I watched all the office series myself, UK and USA)