Natural Kid A

dont listen to 'kid a', its not really good. get yourself a copy of 'ok computer' instead and download 'how to disappear completely' and 'idiotheque', thats all you need to hear from 'kid a'.
yeah there's a couple of parts that make you think of Kid A but overall its not like Kid A.

gotta say again....

Are You There, electricity and a natural disaster
are masterpiece's.
the album is on soulseek. its some kind of program simelar to kazaa, but except for musicfiles...
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
dont listen to 'kid a', its not really good. get yourself a copy of 'ok computer' instead and download 'how to disappear completely' and 'idiotheque', thats all you need to hear from 'kid a'.
oh, com' on mehdi. everything..., national anthem, optimistic, motion..., they're all great songs. and the 2 you mentioned of course. it's me fave one after ok.
sol83 said:
oh, com' on mehdi. everything..., national anthem, optimistic, motion..., they're all great songs. and the 2 you mentioned of course. it's me fave one after ok.

would it still be your favourite if it said 'FRANK SPANK' on the cover instead of 'RADIOHEAD' tho?
i wouldn't have bought it then. just like i haven't bought possible great cd's cos i can't know what every single band on the planet is doing. that does not lower the value of the album tho. anyways, it's personal taste i guess.
Yeah its on the suprnova site as well which is worrying because its not a file sharing site either, its a server so its there 24/7. I dont even think you have to join you just go in and take it. Whats more the albums on there come through as one continuous stream, not a series of mp3s. The whole thing of the albums getting out before the release is totally shit coz Lights Out was on Kazaa before I even had a copy myself - wheres the justice in that? Some greasy Athenian was sharing it in his folder before I had a copy and before The End or Prophecy had a copy! Its really damaging because you rely on that big boom of sales at the start coz everyone is dying ot hear it and they cant wait - now they download it convincing themselves that theyll buy it anyway and all of a sudden its not so desirable anymore because they already have it, so they go out and buy a different album instead and get two albums for the price of one. And in the end whos fault is it? - The magazines... In the end the stupid fucking 'psuedo-intellectual' journalists upload a promo and in doing so destroy the very industry that they rely on for making themselves feel psuedo-intellectual. Quite ironic really.
relying on sales? i thought you werent doing this for fame, or for money, but FOR LIFE.
making promos like type o negative did might help to make people buying the album after all. in every song on the promo they put next line in every song over the music 'life is killing me, the new type o negative album available on... ' or sth like that

good move from them :tickled:

but still, the internet is full of people that are never buying a cd cause they dont care about musicians and because they think everything found on the internet is taken for granted. there are quite some people on my job who are doing this all day through. I always confront them with the fact what theyll do if no one wants to put music on a cd anymore.