Natural Kid A

promo cds shouldnt be sent before the album is released, thats as simple as this. if i had the money id buy all the albums i want to hear to support the artists i like and i try to do that as much as i can but unfortunately i dont have the money so im stuck to cdrs mostly for now.
I think ppl who wanna buy, they will, after mp3s as well. And the one who dont wanna buy, the wont. It was the same even before the whole internet shit, ppl just copied stuff, or ignored them.

And about promotion and net.. Without downloadable stuff, I'd have never bought or listened to any Antimatter or Anathem music. All I know I only know it from other peoples sharing. Without the net, I say its 100% that I dont know them now! I never had any magazines, never seen any posters about them, never had any friends lending their cds. And I know many people who shared it, and ones that got songs from me and got influenced, so all I know there are some dosens of cd-buying music lover customers around me, who would have never got into this music at all without the net.

And dont forget that our guys here still have no fckn MTV or VIVA played music video hits like. For less popular styles, for independent stuff, the net is big help. It gives people a chance to choose quality.
Yes it is a good way to hear music, but what Im saying is that its destroying the industry, especially when some idiot journalist uploads an album before its release date - it kills the pent up yearning for a new album that is responsible for the initial burst of sales upon release.

Anyone who denies that mp3 is amputating a section of the music-buying public needs to have most of their brain checked for tumours
Ok round and round in circles we go - We put mp3s on the internet ourselves , I even put an EP of me and Danny playin mine and Duncs songs up - I even made a front and back cover for your nice little jewel cases. I agree that mp3 is a great way of people hearing new music.

Now, if anyone thinks that Im wrong in saying that ''having a full album available for download without the artists consent and before the release date is damaging'' , then post below.
i suggest them corporate cunts start giving more than a lousy 10-15% to the artist. thieving bastards. :mad:
My suggestion then would be to only release partial promo's. Like Dimmu Borgir did on the one album where they chopped off the last 30 seconds of each song or their last album where the promo package was a CD with like 2 songs and a cassette with the rest of the album, but it was all in an unmixed state.
Dora said:
I think ppl who wanna buy, they will, after mp3s as well. And the one who dont wanna buy, the wont. It was the same even before the whole internet shit, ppl just copied stuff, or ignored them.

And about promotion and net.. Without downloadable stuff, I'd have never bought or listened to any Antimatter or Anathema music. All I know I only know it from other peoples sharing. Without the net, I say its 100% that I dont know them now! I never had any magazines, never seen any posters about them, never had any friends lending their cds. And I know many people who shared it, and ones that got songs from me and got influenced, so all I know there are some dosens of cd-buying music lover customers around me, who would have never got into this music at all without the net.

And dont forget that our guys here still have no fckn MTV or VIVA played music video hits like. For less popular styles, for independent stuff, the net is big help. It gives people a chance to choose quality.

yeah we know all of that and its very right. but my point was that promos shouldnt be sent before the albums released. if magazines review the album one month after the release, does it really change anything? i dont think so.
Mick, people are very different, and everybody tells what he thinks, what he would do. We are in diff. communities also, a 16oldyear highschool boy and a good salary mature man thinks differently. But, for your question: yes, I think its not like you say. Im not sure. I owned Antimatter full album in mp3 for more than a year before buying it :), and without having and knowing it for a year, i'd have never bought it, because:

1. I'm too critical to got interested after a sole song. Most albums have a song that can sell the whole thing, even britney spears can make one good melody which makes me interested.

2. I listen to appr 30-40 new albums a month, thats way too many for me to buy. I select.

3. Why the hell should I buy a pig in a poke?? What if someone makes a crap album and I spend my money.. I put on shoes in the shop, I smell parfumes before buying. Music is a matter of taste not a matter of hazard.

4. If I buy a bands 3rd album which is crap, I will never buy their next one and i'll be angry and disappointed in them.

5. If I dont buy it, I still can go to concers and buy the ticket.

---but remember: all i say is based upon the assumption that ppl do givve their money for valued things. At least I do. And I still buy twice as many now than before...
there were some tries to solve this promo problem.. like a music format which is only a junk and has 80% of the data needed in a song and only works with the rest 20% which needs to be streamed through the net like..
Dora said:
I put on shoes in the shop, I smell parfumes before buying. Music is a matter of taste not a matter of hazard.

are you trying to say that ART is a PRODUCT like SHOES or PERFUMES?