Natural Kid A

mehdi dear.. Would you put a picture on your wall which is ugly and you dont like it?

Art itself is not a product. It's art. It becomes a product when someone puts a price tag on it. And they do. :)
you pay for the piece of plastic, the wrapping, the taxes, the labels workers, etc, everything material that gets involved in the providing of the songs to you. you dont pay for what the plastic round actually holds. greedy...PFFFFFS.
you dont get it man. Of course I pay for the whole thing IF I LIKE IT. But if I dont like it, FFS, then why should I pay for the plastic case of a fucked up cd??
i was just pointing out the fact that [most of the times] theres a bit more depth in a cd than in a pair of fucking shoes.
Mick Moss said:
I even put an EP of me and Danny playin mine and Duncs songs up - I even made a front and back cover for your nice little jewel cases. I agree that mp3 is a great way of people hearing new music.

My friends still don't believe me when I tell them I downloaded that from your own site without cost. Very decent of you indeed.
when i buy something i pay for the Value. even if its a shoe or a painting. they have different kinds of values tho.. But I dont like buyng it blindly. I'm not that rich and not even that mad. That was my point.
i agree with ivo. your metaphor is shit, hence your whole argumentation falls apart and dies.
its a tricky discussion this one!

but its really annoying when you go and spend 20euro's on a CD thats a piece of shit. I dont think its fair, your basically just gambling, hoping it will be good.

anyway im gonna buy this new anathema album when it comes out...because i want to get it signed, and i dont think a signed cd-r would have the same effect.
pistol_pete said:
its a tricky discussion this one!

but its really annoying when you go and spend 20euro's on a CD thats a piece of shit. I dont think its fair, your basically just gambling, hoping it will be good.

anyway im gonna buy this new anathema album when it comes out...because i want to get it signed, and i dont think a signed cd-r would have the same effect.

I hear Anathema draws asses when signing CDs so watch out.
For the record, I've never uploaded a promo, nor will I ever. Don't call me 'pseduo-intellectual.' I think I'm gonna cry :(

Anyway, it's a good idea for labels to break up a promo into, say, 100 individual tracks. Much harder and more time consuming to upload the album then.
Eld said:
For the record, I've never uploaded a promo, nor will I ever. Don't call me 'pseduo-intellectual.' I think I'm gonna cry :(

Anyway, it's a good idea for labels to break up a promo into, say, 100 individual tracks. Much harder and more time consuming to upload the album then.
Thats a good idea, though it will cost a bit more to press, which isnt so good for smaller labels. Someone told me that the Dimmu Borgir promos were all on cheap cassettes. I dunno how true it is but I hope so :D
rafael said:
I haven't heard any Radiohead, so I guess I don't know, and when I first listen to Kid A it will remind be of AND.
Same here, I only know 3 comercial Radiohead hits, so I don't know what are people talking really hehe :loco:

hey I have the first 1:00 m. sample of balance and it sounds like Radiohead :hypno:
Yeah, I think labels should all start doing this : using promo's without putting whole songs on it, or putting messages over them, or using the good old cassettes...

Anyway I hope Anathema sells enough to keep existing and to give the guys some money. But don't you guys actually make more money with performing? Just a question, I wonder...
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
i agree with ivo. your metaphor is shit, hence your whole argumentation falls apart and dies.
of course, you would agree with me, you're my dark brother long time ago, right?
remember when we were kids?

how old are we here - 7-8?
even our parents love each other...

you're god to me mehd!