Naturens Galleri

Originally posted by Fjelltussa

He he, I know it doesn't sound very good in english, but hey, I'm not writing poems/lyrics; I'm translating. Ever tried to translate english lyrics into norwegian...? ...slå meg, baby, en gang til... Hehe, that sounds even worse.

But hey, you don't understand swedish?!? Didn't you watch Pippi, Emil, Vi på Saltkråkan and Ronja Rövardotter when you were a kid? I love R.R. That is actually one of my favourite movies - I'm not kidding!! :grin: But about poems... who understands stuff like that? I certainly don't.

From English to Norwegian --> It's probably the worst
language you can ever translate a poem to >:oP Hehe....

Anyways, I understand Swedish, what I meant was that
I don't understand what all the words put together are
supposed to mean. What feeling they are supposed to
provoke. I read a poem and put a meaning to it, MY
interperation of it... Then I read what it's really about and
I am totally lost with my interperation >:oP Of course it is
a good thing to interperate thing in you own way, but it
would be nice to some day get it right! >:oP Hehehe....

When you translate poems it's important to understand
them, so that you use the right words when you translate...
That's why I could never do it! >:o) I'm such a looooser
when it comes to poems, so I admire your translations :o)
Here's one of the poems. I don't have very much time right now, so you'll have to do with the translations alone.



>Ice wind, frost wind in clothing bound by poverty
>A sanctuary filled with sound, of the winter kingdom's messenger
>He who was born under the polar star, in severe cold
>Under sparkling sheilds of crust widths worn by storms

>The elements' symbolic picture
>The dead cold, white snow creature
>With the northern light gaze, flaming wild
>Like lightening in harmony with everything

>Wisehearted and with shoulders wide as alp chains
>The fairytale breeding landscapes' centre
>With the ice age suit, "Father glacier" at its side
>Surrounded by crystal clear water that ripple calmly

>Baptised in a glacier sea
>Watch the mountain ceremony!
>With the world of glaciers' * (deltaö)
>Arched in the periphery
>A 'winterish' crowning ritual
>With the wind as poet
>This hemit chains
>in its univerality

>A star map is carved on his back
>By the dragon's frost claws, as quiet and shy
>Its crevice formation hiss in a strange song**
>The unheard wailing, as an unwritten title page

>The baptismal font, a ***(vak) in the glaciercrust's surface
>The stor serves as energic psalm
>Kneebent on frosen bed he is seen fleeting
>On sun shiseled ***(block), on water crystals' ore

>Ice colosses is built on every second and minute
>The arctic kingdom's monarch lays proud
>His poor ingdom seems to win in the end
>Over the body pale**** sun's hesitating revolt

>Baptised in a glacier sea..... >>>

*Deltaö... hm, I didn't find the word in english. Maybe one can just say delta island...? Is that something in english?
**The exact word here isn't really song - kvad is a special kind of songs/poetry. Maybe I've explained it before, don't remember. Old scandinavian, common (amongst other periods) during the so-called viking age.
***These two word, vak and block, I'm not entirely sure about. maybe David Å can explain...
****maybe a weird way to put it, this. Body pale - pale as a body (corpse) Well, very pale, anyway!!
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Here's one of the poems. I don't have very much time right now, so you'll have to do with the translations alone.

*Deltaö... hm, I didn't find the word in english. Maybe one can just say delta island...? Is that something in english?
**The exact word here isn't really song - kvad is a special kind of songs/poetry. Maybe I've explained it before, don't remember. Old scandinavian, common (amongst other periods) during the so-called viking age.
***These two word, vak and block, I'm not entirely sure about. maybe David Å can explain...
****maybe a weird way to put it, this. Body pale - pale as a body (corpse) Well, very pale, anyway!!

You called my name, master? :D

I don't know where you got the original poem from, so I can't comment on the correctness of the translation, but most of your other renderings were pretty much flawless to my knowledge.

* => Deltaö is exactly what you imply, an island in a delta. There is probably no exact word for this in English.
** => Kvad, or in a more modern form, kväda, simply means: dikta, sjunga, högtidligt framsäga. I´m not correcting you here, just filling in. :)
*** => Vak would probably be 'hole in the ice' (isvak in Swedish) and block, depending on the material, either a big rock (stenblock) or a pile of compressed snow maybe? Again, I don't have the original text.
David Å: Thanks! Then I can use this knowledge when translating further.
Translating these thing are very interesting to me personally, to, bacause I learn so much from it, both of english and swedish. And I love to learn :)
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
"Sjö" doesn't translate to "sea", no matter how close they actually sound. It translates to "lake". It's one of the common mistakes Swedish pupils learning English make (I'm not sure about the other way around, though)
"Sea" and "ocean" translate, in Swedish, to "hav".
>Under the falling light play of the northern light

Likt månghövdad grönskimrande orm
Ringlar sig färgpraktsdragen
Över tindrande stjärnbilders glitterspel
Från sprakande ögon i lönnlig kropp
De dunkla behagen
Nu fäller sin båge vid himlens sel

>Like a multi-headed green shimmering serpent
>The tremendous coloured dragon wringle
>Over sparkling constellations' tinsel play
>From crackling eyes in sneaking (/preying?) body
>The obscures pleased/Pleasing the obscures
>Now * its bow by the sky's *

Dess tveeggade tunga slukar alstringskraft
Från en nebulosa
Den ymniga tjusmakt i nattens skrud
Ett strålfång som synes ut att ömsa skinn
I åldrad prosa
Er sagoelden ett förebud

>Its double-edged tongue consume breeding strenght
>From a nebula
>The overwhelming power of charm in the clothes of night
>A shine** that seems to shed its skin
>In aged prose
>The fire of sagas is an omen

Skuggor ila under glöden
Bländade av skenets färd
Beskårade av levnadsöden
Nu flamma över hem och härd
Lågor hugger ned mot marken
Ormlik skepnad i skyn er stadd
Nu glänser frost om furobarken
Mot stammar skenet satt sin gadd

>Shadows hurry under the glow
>Blinded by the shine's travel
>Watchers of the destiny of living***
>Blaze over home and heath
>Serpent-like creature is placed in the sky
>Now frost glisten on the pine bark
>Towards trunks the shine put/directed its sting

Det ljungar och blåssar från huvuden nio
En pulserande rytm ifrån ljusspelets brio

>It echoes and blows from the nine heads
>A throbbing/pulsating rhythm from the glow/power of the light play


Över nordriket målas den trolska skimär
Den glittriga dimrök är dess kostnär

>Over the northern kingdom the bewitching shine(/ing) is painted
>The glittering mist smoke is its ****

*Didn't translate "fäller" and "sel". I was a little confused because "fäller" can mean more things than one in my own language, and I'm not sure if it means the same in Swedish; all of it, one thing or none at all. Anyway, I think it might mean "making fall" like just "falling" or as like making the prey fall when you kill it... Cannot remeber a word for that just now, and I don't have dictionary at hand, so this will have to do. Ask someone...!
**"Strålfång" is more than just "shine". Maybe like the front of it or sometnig, or something that "catch" the shine. We have word like that in norwegian; a "vindfang", which is something that "catch" the wind, to protect or so. :confused: I'm not sure, though...
***"Levnad" is something like living(a)/living conditions
****Don't know what "kostnär" means.
Hmm.... Was going to check the threads with translations to se what I (and others) had translated, but my firs translations weren't there anymore....
Anyone remember what is translated already? (not thinking of 'vintersorg translations'/'skymningsdans by otyg'/'more otyg translations') After all, there's no point translating something that's already translated.

Anyways: Are there some swedish folks who can help me with these words??

-obygd (not built? not a village? wilderness? is that something like 'utmark'?)
-fornande (of old/ancient times?)
-vilsam (can it mean something like 'fortapt' or 'bortkommen'?)
-vinblottors klädedon är baldersbrå (baldersbrå; isn't that a plat of some sort? Don't know what it is in english, though)
-världsalltet (same problem; know what it means; have the same word in norwegian, but in english..?)
-drar sin banestav
-tidevarv ('tidsalder'?)

And oh, yes; drsm???? What the hell is that?? Thought it was a typing error, but everyhere I checked it said the same; drsm, and I don't have the cover booklet for Cosmic Genesis so I cannot chesk it up there. (It's from "Om regnbågen materialiserades", btw)
Wow thanks again...

Your posts are still there, just go to the bottom of the forum, where it says to show threads from the last 30 days, change it to the begin, click on go and then you will find your older threads with the translation.

I actually have to check myself, cause I don't have all the work you done sofar in my head.
-huld - something that shows mildness and devotion

-oförstellda - not trying to be something else

-solvargsgrin - the grin of the sunwolf, not a common word, rather a symbolic one...

-nav - hub

-rymd - space, can also mean that somethings is filled with space

-vång - field, as a part of a province (had to look it up)

-fång - you could say "ett fång blommor", that´d be the number that you can handle within your arms

-obygd (not built? not a village? wilderness? is that something like 'utmark'?) - yeah, utmark or wilderness, the direct translation would be "mark som inte är byggd"

-fornande (of old/ancient times?) - yepp

-vilsam (can it mean something like 'fortapt' or 'bortkommen'?) - I´d say restfull.

-vinblottors klädedon är baldersbrå (baldersbrå; isn't that a plat of some sort? Don't know what it is in english, though) the clothes of vinblottor are baldersbrå (which is a herb that resambles oxeye daisy, I don´t have a clue about vinblottor though..)

-världsalltet (same problem; know what it means; have the same word in norwegian, but in english..?) - comsos, the universe

-drar sin banestav - that pulls his staff of death, symbolic.

-tidevarv ('tidsalder'?)- yeah, I´d say that too

Couldn´t find drsm in the booklet, so it is a typo...:)


En daggvuren gryningshimmels disiga bud
tjönar som arlaregnets segel
Till soleld begnistrar dess mantelskrud
och var droppe bildar en spegel
Som länkar mot en rymd i bågad ström
ett draperi som i bjärta kulsrer sprakar
Skänkt ifrån molnkaravaners purpurdröm
lika mystisk som modermörkrets drakar

>The messenger of the sky, heavy with dew
>serves as the early morning rain's sigill
>Until sunfire makes its garb sparkle
>and every drop makes a mirror
>As chains against a room/space in arched stream
>a drapey that in bright * sparks
>Given from the cloudcaravans' purple/red dream
>as mystical as the dragons of the mother darkness

Vad skedde om skapnaden blevo solid
en bro över svindeldjupa avgrunder?
Förgrenad vid gallaxernas gömda lid
och stjärnhimlens brinnande lunder?
Skulle vi gå längs bågen tunn
som vattenreflexerna fogar? (mot jordens grund)
Ösa vår visdom ur sagans brunn
försjunkna i kosmiska skogar? (i en euforisk blund)

>What happened if the creature became solid
>a bridge over dizzying deep abysses?
>Ramifyed at the galaxies' hidden mountain side
>and the starry sky's burning groves
>Should we walk along the thin arch
>the water reflexes conform/humour? (towards the earth's ground)
>Draw our wisdom out of the well of (the) saga
>sunken in cosmical woods? (in a euphorical nap)

Prålande grann
den tunna materian, genomstrålas
I solskensljus den funnit sin själ
i vattenrök sitt kärl
av vädrets makt f¨rgylld, nyanser målas
Diffusa konturer mitt hjärta när
och fyller ett fjärilslätt begär

>Shinins great
>the thin substance, is shone through
>In the light of sunshine it has found its soul
>in water vapour its vessel
>Filled with essence (-> soul, character, manner)
>gilded by the power of the weather, shades are painted
>Obscure contours feed my heart
>and fills a desire light as a butterfly

Jag välkomnar dig, sjufärgade dynasti
Som lindrar min ångest, min inre elegi

>I welcome you, seven coloured dynasty
>Who ease my ffright, my inner elegy

Prålande grann......


This was done with considerable help from our dear Phyros...
:grin: thanxxx
And so was this....


I gnistors regn binds en krans
En sirkel sluten av stjärnors glans
Från fjärranhet, från dunkel sfär
I töckenvrirvlarnas atmosfär
Nu rider de från pol till pol
Mot rymndens tinnar, mot slocknad sol
I molnens huld, blott fjärran än
De högtidsmantlade månskensmän

>In sparks' rain a wreath is bound
>A circle completed by the gleam of stars
>From distant place, from dark sphere
>In the atmosphere of mist whirls
>Now thay ride from pole to pole
>Towards the tinnacles of space, towards extinguished sun
>In the mildness of the clouds* only distant yet
>Those men of moonshine, garbed for festival/holyday

Med spänd båge och blänkande dolk
Dessa luftgudar färdas över himles lykta
I nattens klang, den oförstellda tolk
Längs vintergatans bana ses de flykta

>With drawn bow and blinking dagger
>These air-gods travel over the sky's light
>In the sound of night, the true* interpretor
>along the course of the winter street, they are seen fleeding

Eldkvaster från vålnadshäst
"Bringa till oss, din hedersgäst"
Han som över månen styr
Och stormorkesternas uvertyr

>Sparks of fire from ghost horse
>"Bring us your guest of honour"
>He who stears over the moon
>And stormorchestras' overture

Likt blodfärgad rubin
Är månskensmennens blickar
Med lömska solvargsgrin
Längs himlakartan de drar
De bär på nattens arv
Som smeksamt oss bestickar
I ändlös tidevarv
Hör! Världsalltets fanfar

>Like bloodcoloured ruby
>Are the gaze of the men of moonshine
>With treacherous sunwolf's grin
>Along the star map they go
>They carry the legacy of night
>That cuddly (if that's a word...) bribes us
>In neverending age
>Hear! The flourish of cosmos

Från orions belte de drar sin banestav
Och nedstiger från granskogsbrynen
Sen urminnes tid de vevat jordens nav
Från stjärnfirmamentet skänkt hembygdssynen

>From Orion's belt they pull their staff of death
>And decend towards the outskirts of the spruce forest
>Since ancient times they have woven the hub of earth
>Given to the sight of home (place/village) fromthe star firmament.

"Och ridnade gladiatorer mot skyn åter lyfte
De äro förmörkade solskensandar med det högre syfte"

>"And riding gladiators towards the sky again raised
They are darkened spirits of sunshine with the higher goal/intention"

*These translations are not accurate; for better explanations, see phyros' post...
Great job Fjelltussa! And please, I didn´t do anything, I am your humble servant after all...;)

-phyros (humble servant)