Nazi Drama starring Phil Anselmo and Rob Flynn

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It's pretty well known that he was big into Nazi memorabilia and I thought he often would wear an Iron Cross and similar on stage. Doesn't mean he's a Nazi, but it also doesn't mean Pantera are all racists just because they have a confederate flag flying some place. Anselmo doing white power speeches on stage probably does mean he's a racist, though.
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I was going to write something thoughtful but came across this meme


Edit: I've seen a video of Lemmy reading a letter that a black kid wrote asking for advice. Basically the kid said that people told him he shouldn't be listening to metal because it's not for black people. He gave a really heartfelt speech and seemed genuine. I doubt Lemmy was a racist.
Edit: I've seen a video of Lemmy reading a letter that a black kid wrote asking for advice. Basically the kid said that people told him he shouldn't be listening to metal because it's not for black people. He gave a really heartfelt speech and seemed genuine. I doubt Lemmy was a racist.

Caller of the Storms would like a word!

Feel sorry for you whites, having to care about whether Metal is deemed racist by onlookers, changing how you're perceived as an individual metalhead by everybody else. Hahaha.

Really, that's it? I'm kind of disapointed. Mr. "I'll debate anyone", and this is what we get. Huh. You may want to work on your debating skills there champ.

Actually his response was adequate considering all Mort said was "Me." when he asked him who gave him the baton of morality.

In fact this is, if nothing else, what free speech fetishists should be wetting themselves over. Someone said something, people responded with critical speech.
And nah, he really shouldn't have the right to spew that shit.

I'll go down in flames before I let people like you decide what can and can't be said.

Anselmo is a retard and I have nothing against people boycotting his music but I support both sides' right to speech.
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Antiquated hate speech deserves no protections

Hate speech doesn't have protections brainiac.
You threw "antiquated" in there because what you really mean is you want to ban all speech you don't like. People like you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the definitions of hate speech. In fact anyone that sneers as often as you do at the concept of free speech shouldn't be allowed anywhere near legislation of any kind.

Happy to defend your right to express authoritarian views though.
Hate speech doesn't have protections brainiac.
You threw "antiquated" in there because what you really mean is you want to ban all speech you don't like. People like you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the definitions of hate speech. In fact anyone that sneers as often as you do at the concept of free speech shouldn't be allowed anywhere near legislation of any kind.

Happy to defend your right to express authoritarian views though.

Hate speech does have protections in the US.
Hate speech does have protections in the US.

Like what?

I have a feeling what you really mean is that hate speech doesn't cover enough ground for you. You want people that call other people names on the street to be arrested and/or fined etc.

As far as I'm aware, hate speech is dealt with on a case by case basis and so the only real protection hate speech has is on constitutional grounds.
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It's pretty well known that he was big into Nazi memorabilia and I thought he often would wear an Iron Cross and similar on stage. Doesn't mean he's a Nazi, but it also doesn't mean Pantera are all racists just because they have a confederate flag flying some place. Anselmo doing white power speeches on stage probably does mean he's a racist, though.

The Nazi image, occult bits, and war machine are all pretty awesome aesthetically. It's too bad it's all lumped in with the fascist, antisemitic, and genocidal bits... I've got a close friend (German ancestry) who collects the stuff, but still hates Hitler and the overall message. Some people can make the mental distinction, others not so much.
Meh. It was pretty stupid for Phil say what he did. He got drunk and the ugly part of him come out. I in no way believe that my race is superior to any other but I am plagued by a host of prejudiced beliefs and intolerances. I do try to overcome them though. I don't think I'm a bad person. I'm just a person . Hopefully he will learn from his mistake and move on.

With that being said I will not stop listening to Pantera. If I stopped listening to musicians who had beliefs that I abhor I would soon run out of music to listen to.
One, metal icons do not speak for metal. In fact, no one really does. Two, Napalm Death were a bunch of fucking Commies. Does that mean metal is against Capitalism or pro-Communism? Racism, pro or con, is part of the metal scene. That is just a given. Take sexism for example. Metal is riddled with misogynistic references, à la the virgin sacrifice or fucking prostitutes, whatever. So, metal is sexist, right? Does that mean metal needs to clean up its act and stop portraying these things in a "positive" light? What about violence in general? I suppose metal needs to stop being so unkind to others. Metal deals with subjects that most do not want to touch, and often approaches them in un-PC ways / alternative ways of thinking. Racism is certainly one of those subjects, as the Pantera and black metal acts you have just cited point out. Thus, racism is certainly a part of metal, as it should be.

It's fine if it is in the form of entertainment. Sacrificing virgins, rape, murder, evil worship, church burning, violence, hate, and even racism are all themes that occasionally arise in metal. They are extreme topics taken for their shock value and edginess. Aside from those few church burning incidents, this content is not acted upon, but simply used for it's poignancy and extremity. I find it ridiculous that at this point in time all of the other ignorant and violent themes in metal are accepted as inevitable, but when it comes to racism it's all of a sudden analyzed from a different standpoint and scoffed at. Metal has offensive themes, why does there have to be double standards? I know people who will never listen to Arghoslent because they are racist, but have no opposition to bands who glorify murder and other forms of violence and hate.

Then again, this argument doesnt exactly apply to the situation. Pantera has proclaimed that they are not a racist band. Phil's gesture was therefore not within context of the show, and therefore I can see why some people flipped their shit. If he shouted "Southern Pride!" or some other shit, we wouldnt even be having this conversation. But for someone who has been trying hopelessly for some time to detach himself from the label of 'racist', this was a fucking stupid thing to do.
For what its worth, my thoughts on the matter are the same as when I first became aware of the "incident" if you want to call it that. Another year, another intoxicated Phil Anselmo blunder in an already long line of intoxicated Phil Anselmo blunders. He's been doing stuff like this since at least 1994 so its hardly surprising. The only difference being social media not existing back then. Where exactly was Robb Flynn in those days besides hopping on the groove gravy train Pantera popularized?
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