Nazi-Gay Linkage?

the moonbat uber-conservative American Family Association thinks so!

In the March issue of American Family Association Journal, a publication of Donald E. Wildmon's right-wing evangelical activist group, the American Family Association (AFA), author Randall Murphree suggested that a Jewish upbringing leads to hatred of Christians, and by extension, a criminal lifestyle.​
Were gays the real evil behind the Holocaust?
Scott Lively, California chapter director of the AFA, is co-author of a book titled, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality and the Nazi Party, in which he claims that “homosexuals [are] the true inventors of Nazism and the guiding force behind many Nazi atrocities.” Lively makes explicit links between his claims about the Nazi party and the modern gay equal rights movement, claiming that “From the ashes of Nazi Germany, the homo-fascist phoenix has arisen again, this time in the United States.”​

You'd think that Rohm would have stayed in the closet. :lol:

HITLER: We need to kill all the jews.
HITLER: We should kill all the gays too.
ROHM: YE....what?
One of Hitler's most loyal deputies, for example, was Rudolf Hess, who had been imprisoned with Hitler in 1923, following the Nazis' unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the government - the famous Beer Hall Putsch. After their release from prison in 1924, the two enjoyed a close personal relationship that Hess called a "most beautiful human experience," lasting until Hitler's suicide in 1945.

Hess' contemporaries had revealing nicknames for the sensitive, effeminate man, like "Fraulein Hess," "Fraulein Paula," and "Black Emma." Although Hess eventually married - at Hitler's suggestion - his wife later complained that her life with him was much like that of a "convent schoolgirl."

Also prominent among Hitler's intimates was Ernst Rohm, commander of the S.A. - the Nazi storm troopers. Rohm, a tough, brawny man who had been an army officer during World War I, became part of Hitler's inner circle in 1919, when the future fuhrer began venturing into politics. Although Rohm left the S.A. for a few years over differences with Hitler - Rohm wanted the storm troopers to be independent of the party - in 1931 he was invited back by Hitler and once again firmly entrenched in power.

Unlike others in the Nazi Party, Rohm was openly homosexual, admitting to associates that he was "far from unhappy" about his sexual orientation. He frequented gay bars, belonged to a homosexual organization called the League for Human Rights, and publicly advocated the repeal of Paragraph 175. An anonymous 1932 article called "National Socialism and Inversion" has been credited to Rohm's influence (or even authorship); the article stated that if Nazi Party members performed their official duties well, they were entitled to private lives of "creative eroticism" and "loving homosexual relationship."

Rohm established a kind of gay network within the S.A., assigning prominent posts to gay friends and lovers. Among Rohm's "sweethearts" was Edmund Heines, whom Rohm appointed first as his deputy and later as leader of the Munich branch of the S.A. Another of Rohm's favorites was Karl Ernst, who was nicknamed "Frau Rohrbein" for his intimate friendship with Paul Rohrbein, Berlin's S.A. commander. After meeting Rohm, Ernst had a meteoric rise from a leadership position in the S.A. to a seat in the Reichstag, Germany's legislative body.

Rohm and his close-knit circle - dubbed in a Munich paper the "Brotherhood of Poofs" - had powerful, homophobic enemies who convinced Hitler that Rohm was a threat. These included Joseph Goebbels, head of Nazi propaganda, and Paul Schultz, captain of the Berlin S.A., who warned Hitler of the danger in "the employment of morally objectionable persons in positions of authority."
Paul Schultz, captain of the Berlin S.A., who warned Hitler of the danger in "the employment of morally objectionable persons in positions of authority."

so bum sex is more morally objectionable than genocide? hahaha :)
"The Gay Aryan Mann [sic] must rise up," writes one impassioned man in the "Gay Aryan Resistance" chat room, "and destroy ZOG [the "Zionist Occupation Government"] and end the Semitic homophobia imposed on our Kultur!"

Or, in the posted message of a rare lesbian: "Even if you are gay and white, or retarded and white, YOU ARE WHITE. BOTTOM LINE! Instead of letting the white race go extinct because of worthless races such as the african [sic] race or the mexican [sic] race popping out literally millions of babies a day, we have to fight this fucked up shit they are doing. They are raping our country."
unhinged said:
Paul Schultz, captain of the Berlin S.A., who warned Hitler of the danger in "the employment of morally objectionable persons in positions of authority."

so bum sex is more morally objectionable than genocide? hahaha :)
haha yeah i found that particularly ironic as well :tickled: