2 yunts jump 17 floors in the name of black metal.

E-bortion said:

aahahahaha coolest fucking picture ever

Got that one beat ... some years ago babysitting one of my friends son :lol:

EDIT: Who is 1lb of Naked Nutrition ???

lurch70 said:
EDIT: Who is 1lb of Naked Nutrition ???
not AWMM, slipknot are tr00, or climb the hill, i know that much. :loco:

nice picture. i would find and scan the picture of me drinking a coors light at 3 years old but my mom hid it from me years ago, haha.
waiting for baby nad to be photoshopped into above :lol:

and for the concerned parents ... the bottle is empty and the mother was taking the pic :loco:
god damn nad said:

i just preordered the super happy fun limited edition of black one (numbered + bonus disc of their roskilde performance) from southern lord. :rock:

can we make it a threesome? I was just listening to some live mp3s and told myself "dude, if you don't go to the next sunn o))) show that comes this way, i'll KEEL you!"
The real victim is the guy in this matter. He was probably tapping that youthful lassie. Or even both. All excited he waits patiently as they say "get ready for a surprise". He stands idly by, contemplating what titlating experience of adolescent experimentation lies before him?!?!? Next thing he knows, out the window goes his pussy.
hahaha i didn't say i was leaving yours! :D :D :D

i've snagged quite a few albums from you dudes and women, just i'm the only one who uploads stoner. :loco:
General Zod said:
Anyone silly enough to include parenthesis in their band name deserves to have their name gotten wrong.



General Zod said:
Anyone silly enough to include parenthesis in their band name deserves to have their name gotten wrong.

haha. they named themselves after the old amplifier logo, so it makes sense in that context:


anyhow, look for an album or two later tonight. :rock:
General Zod said:
Now you're just being silly. Nothing is better than I. I am Master of my Domain.


Pfft, I'm telling on you...

WTF i have the sunn O))) logo in my signature and hunted down a sunn amplifier to explain my point.

-10 points to NAD house.

i've been reading too much harry potter this week.