
Lyle said:
What if it was lyrics from that Vlad Tepes / Bellkeytree split ?!? Let me tell yuo, my whole ontology would be totally fucked with if that were the case

:tickled: end of thread
Thats kinda sad, but really pitiful. That picture of Anorexic Nervisiosos is the gayest picture in music history period.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
Thats kinda sad, but really pitiful. That picture of Anorexic Nervisiosos is the gayest picture in music history period.


the commercial with the Dark Fortress dude is ! :tickled:
Another thing, I'm tired of the "they seemed so normal, they were middle class!" type of shit after something like this happens. They were obviously idiots. People should have figured it out when the girl said she wanted to commit suicide. The adults are as retarded as the dead kids.
Oblivious Maximus said:
Fucking retards. If anybody is dumb enough to kill themselves becasue of some queer goth band and they're retarded lyrics then it's not a bad thing they're dead. The world dosen't need people like them.

teach me the ways of the remorseless tough warrior who doesn't give a fuck
Int said:
teach me the ways of the remorseless tough warrior who doesn't give a fuck
I have no remorse for idiots who kill themselves over a band's lyrics. If they were getting picked on, there are other ways to deal with it. They could have stood up for themselves you know? But they decided to listen to a retarded goth band and take their queer lyrics to heart and kill themselves. To kill yourself over something that dumb is incredibly stupid.
Surely they might have been influenced but they were probably suicidal to a degree regardless what they were listening to or influenced by.

You don't just jump out of a window purely based on that one motive of some stupid bands lyrics. Something has to be more to it. People sometimes forget music is entertainment and also image based. No matter how low I felt i'd never have the balls to jump out of a building window. That is scary. You have to be manic or something.

Maybe someone,family should have noticed they are manic depressives. I don't even have the balls to slit my wrists let alone jump. Most people suffer from mild depression dealing with it. There is things like chemical imbalances,etc.... Sometimes it's hard to notice if someone's suffering, but their is clues that could have prevented something like this. A lot of people kill themselves. Maybe some should die but a lot of decent beings go that route so you wonder sometimes 'why'.
The Greys said:
You don't just jump out of a window purely based on that one motive of some stupid bands lyrics.

but, like...dude... some guys in corpse paint told the girls to kill themselves through their songs! how could they NOT do it!?
V.V.V.V.V. said:
haha anorexia nervosa sucks ass

Redemption Process is a good album.

EDIT: Those people are fucking stupid, I may as well go kill some black people and hint that Darken made me do it >_> Fucking government'd believe me to.
The Greys said:
Maybe some should die but a lot of decent beings go that route so you wonder sometimes 'why'.
It's because most decent human beings that kill themselves are the ones with the chemical imbalances. There are medicine's to treat that. But when some goth freaks kill themselves because of a band, and never even asked for help, then good riddance to them.
People who let fucking queer band's lyrics influence them so greatly are weak. If they didn't kill themselves they probably would've made other people's lives miserable as well. Good fucking riddance
Mercy/Severity said:
People who let fucking queer band's lyrics influence them so greatly are weak. If they didn't kill themselves they probably would've made other people's lives miserable as well. Good fucking riddance

are you stupid or what ? :erk:

don't you know how the media like to blame it on the music (especially if it's metal) when disturbed teenagers commit suicide ? it happened with Dio, Ozzy, Judas Priest, Marilyn Manson etc.... and that still is the more pathetic excuse to blame musicians that don't behave like the silent majority and kids who listen to them...

please, next time, before you post such stupidities, think !
T.I.E. said:
are you stupid or what ? :erk:

don't you know how the media like to blame it on the music (especially if it's metal) when disturbed teenagers commit suicide ? it happened with Dio, Ozzy, Judas Priest, Marilyn Manson etc.... and that still is the more pathetic excuse to blame musicians that don't behave like the silent majority and kids who listen to them...

please, next time, before you post such stupidities, think !
I don't get what it has to do with his post, the girls were obviously influenced by the bands, but it's not the bands fault at all, it's mostly the parents laziness and the childs poor mental status. If those kids can't handle a simple black metal band responsibly, what chance do you think they will have in later life?
what makes you so sure they were influenced by a band ? :roll:

I think they were just two disturbed teenage girls that influenced each other more than a band could ever do

and you're right about the parents faults...
I can't even understand suicide. As I see it the whole purpose of existence is the self, and the preservation and improvement of one's self along with those others that matter. To kill yourself is to destroy everything that ought to be on your side, and be defeated by your surroundings.

Ultimately, it is weakness.

But at 14 years old, it's a pretty sad story.
If you kill yourself, something is wrong with you. Usually, it's because you're a pussy idiot. We don't need idiots breeding anymore than they already do. If they kill themselves, I'm glad they did it. If you have an imbalance, we don't need a bunch of angst-ridden children running around either.
If anything, I feel sorry for that dude who saw them jump out the window, and couldn't do anything about it.

To live with that experience for the rest of your life would suck.