2 yunts jump 17 floors in the name of black metal.

if the taxman doesn't rape me this year i want to hunt down a sunn amp to call my own. an old one, pre-fender buyout one.

god damn nad said:
if the taxman doesn't rape me this year i want to hunt down a sunn amp to call my own. an old one, pre-fender buyout one.


What is an average price for a cab/head thats still in good shape (or refurbished?)
E-bortion said:
What is an average price for a cab/head thats still in good shape (or refurbished?)
i haven't done much research yet, but heads look to be around $800 and cabs i think can go from $100 to a whole lot more. they had some really whacky cabs back then, like 4x15 with crazy angles, shit that makes my balls melt. if i find a good deal on an ampeg though, i might just go that route. either way i used to have 100% ALL TUBE POWAH and while i looooooove my SWR rig, it isn't quite the same.
Night Mare said:
Too much Harry Potter is still never enough.
truth! i'm halfway through book 5 and it's getting to the UNRULY part so i'll probably be up all night. as usual.