disrespect towards metal

I don't mind having my music bashed by non-metalheads, because I always give as good as I get, so I can't really complain. What does piss me off however is other metalheads bashing metal. I like Static-X, but EVERYTIME I say I like them a "l33t" metalhead will rave on about how they suck and they aren't Metal enough. What the fuck? How can anyone complain that metalheads are "abused" by other people, when we do it ourselves so readily.
I don't mind having my music bashed by non-metalheads, because I always give as good as I get, so I can't really complain. What does piss me off however is other metalheads bashing metal. I like Static-X, but EVERYTIME I say I like them a "l33t" metalhead will rave on about how they suck and they aren't Metal enough. What the fuck? How can anyone complain that metalheads are "abused" by other people, when we do it ourselves so readily.

Because bashing bands is fun.:heh:
I don't mind having my music bashed by non-metalheads, because I always give as good as I get, so I can't really complain. What does piss me off however is other metalheads bashing metal. I like Static-X, but EVERYTIME I say I like them a "l33t" metalhead will rave on about how they suck and they aren't Metal enough. What the fuck? How can anyone complain that metalheads are "abused" by other people, when we do it ourselves so readily.

well, they arent metal enough
and metalheads like to do it within metal
Yeah didn't one of the members of the band say they can't believe how successful they have been based on how simplistic and repetitive their music has been since the beginning?
When was that interview?

In his latest interview, Wayne mentioned that he would drink piss for money if he had to. Obviously what little respect I had for the band has gone down even further... moreso than one of their members being a pedophile. :p

anyways... metalsnobs? elitists? Well, hell, metal itself seems to be pretty elitist... you almost couldn't have this music without those type of fans, I think. At least metalheads that bash on your bands usually know what they're talking about. They can tell you how this band keeps recycling riffs or how the singer can't hit any different octaves. It's completely different than some poor fool t bat tells you it all sounds the same. I prefer the former.
My friend/bandmate told me that he posted some of our songs on garageband. And some of the comments for our popular song (it gets played on several local radio stations) were something along the lines of "I don't like the riffs, it sounds like some metal riffs played through a really fuzzy amp." As if that's a bad thing. Yeah, metal is always a bad thing. Fuck them. But then again, he posted us under "alternative rock" so they probably expected to hear a fucking Radiohead clone or something.
Its all about the music and who is singing to that music, i enjoy all metal music as long as i can dance:danceboy:/bang:rock:/thrash:kickass: to.
I can't do that to people like 50 cent or peewee diddy its just not my cuppa tea:Puke::waah:

sorry, wot i meant to say was I couldn't do the above to 50cent or PeeWee Diddy, to me they are pointless, or shcnizzle on my snizzle with Snoop Dog:lol:


@thread starter: Metal is disrespecting a lot of things, stop being a crybaby. Why do you need their approval anyway?

im not crying... although you really hurt my feelings


you talk to people when they ask what music you like and if you are honest they are almost always instantly revolted. Like i said i never met a metalhead as big as me, and even the few i did meet that like "metal" are CoF/CoB/manson worshipers which is dumb because they dont look deeper into the genre. without their approval i will cry and the corner and become an emo child :p. nah, i just am saying it is a highly disrespected genre, if i talk shit about slipknot its always like no, they are a very good band (they look awesome, bitch, bitch, bitch). You dont hear nearly as many people talking shit about rap. It gets rather annoying because they take no time to actually listen and make judgments on it.
I used to get defensive and pissed every time someone would start bashing metal, but I eventually got over it when I accepted that metal cannot be understood by everyone and will always be subject to detractors. Sometimes I even partake in bashing metal (usually jokingly) because it can be pretty generic sometimes.

agreed. I would get a pissed off too. But after a while i realized that I was just being a hypocrite because i had been bashing other styles of music that i didn't prefer. anyways peace
I'm very lucky. My girlfriend loves Metal (she even likes my more extreme tastes, which is fantastic) and my mum tolerates it (and my step dad just plays his own music louder to cover it up - thank goodness for headphones).

Thing is, my friends hate Metal. They hate me having long hair. They think my singing is ridiculous. And I really don't care that much, because I just shrug or laugh. We all have our own tastes, after all.

I KNOW I have an awful taste in music. I'll readily admit that. I know Sunn 0))) is nearly pure noise, and that the vocals of Cliteater are over the top and impossible to understand. I know that, I accept that, and I don't care. It's just great fun, which is all that matters.

Laugh all you like at my musical tastes. Just don't bitch and whine when I laugh back (such as saying U2 play basically the same song over and over again in every single one of their albums - oh noes, I didn't go there did I?!?!).

But I take offense to people insulting my hair. I don't point and laugh at every single stupid trendy hairstyle I see (mostly because I'd die of suffocation due to the sheer stupidity of it). At least my style is natural and not styled into a cone shape.

And yes, I smell. I smell of pure man, not of pussy. I'm sorry if that offends anyone, but I really can't be bothered to cover myself in cheap perfume. At least I have fresh breath.

(Oh, and if no-one gets it, I'm not directing it at anyone. It's all just an example of what I would say to people.)